Our Cabinet Member with responsibility for adult social care, Councillor James McInnes, has written to the Patron of The Northam Care Trust, Dr Len Lofts, congratulating him on his award of an MBE in the New Year’s Honours list.
“This is well-deserved recognition for your huge achievement in adult social care over the last 50 years, both in your roles nationally and locally, and we are delighted that this has been recognised,” writes Councillor McInnes.
“This honour also reflects the commitment you have shown to celebrating adult social care more generally and raising its profile wherever you can.”
Dr Len Lofts is the former CEO and now Patron of The Northam Care Trust, which supports people with learning and physical disabilities and complex health needs in North Devon. Their services include supported living and enabling services, residential lodges and community outreach day opportunities. They also offer support to help reconnect isolated people within the community.
Len said, “I am thrilled with my Honour, and it motivates me even more to do more on behalf of people with disabilities, and my absolute dedication to the Trust and social care.”