Impact assessments of the budget proposals 2011 >
Service Prioritisation Impact Assessment – this is a screening of the proposals for service cuts. The document highlights high risk areas, mitigation and areas that need a more detailed impact assessment. Our Equality Reference Group have also commented.A Community Needs Survey, which targeted minority and disadvantaged communities, was used to inform the impact assessment highlight report. A summary and detailed breakdown of budget priorities are available.
Detailed impact assessments >
- ADVA (Domestic Violence and Abuse), Prejudice and Hate Crime and CAB funding
- Winter Service (treatment of highways to mitigate the effects of snow frost and ice)
- Highways Maintenance
- Children’s Centres
- Youth Offending
- Supporting People (Community Based Support)
- Area Based Grants (Children and Young People Services)
- Trading Standards – Services for vulnerable people
- Trading Standards – Animal Health services
- Involvement, Advocacy and Customer Services (Adult and Community Services)
- AXS Programme (Pathways Redesign)
- Devon Youth Service
- CVS and Community Council of Devon Funding
- Public transport subsidies
- Area Based Grant related impact assessments >
- Budget setting process >