Naturesave Trust

The Naturesave Trust funds specific environmental and conservation projects throughout the UK. It obtains 100% of its funds from the premiums generated by Naturesave Insurance.

Naturesave Trust can provide grants to small and medium-sized environmental projects in the UK. Project themes can include renewable energy, nature conservation, sustainable communities, recycling, science and education.

The Trust also provides start-up ‘seed corn’ grants for community renewable energy projects: this might be a wind turbine, solar power, biomass boiler or hydro scheme. The aim is to support communities with the costs of the initial preliminary works required to start this type of project.

Charities, voluntary organisations and businesses based in the UK, may apply. A small number of grants are made each year, mostly around £1,000 in value.

Update: Note that the Naturesave Trust no longer provides grants for schools.

Focus of fund/fund aims:

Small grants for projects in the UK that address the promotion and implementation of sustainable development, environmental improvement and conservation, including support for community renewable energy projects

Application deadline:

Applications may be submitted at any time

Fund description: