Arts Award Access Fund

Registered Arts Award centres can apply for a small grant to help with the delivery of the scheme.

Arts Award is available through a network of Arts Award centres – these might be schools, community projects, libraries, arts centres, theatres or youth clubs – and is open to anyone aged up to 25 who wants to develop their creativity in any art form. There are 39 Arts Award centres in Devon.

Access Fund is available to Arts Award centres working with young people facing barriers to access and inclusion, including disabilities, special educational needs, living in areas of rural isolation and/or socio-economic deprivation, caring responsibilities or long-term health problems.

Grants of between £100 and £1,500 are available and can be used to cover a range costs such as art materials, equipment, events, fees or travel.

Focus of fund/fund aims:

Arts Award centres can apply for small grants to help deliver arts activities to young people

Application deadline:

The next deadline is 4 October 2024

Fund description: