Open data

As part of our commitment to accountability and transparency we have put together a range of information about how the council operates, our staff and what we spend.

Unless otherwise stated, all the data are made available under the Open Government Licence which means you can reuse them if you wish. Where possible the data are also available to download. More information about the file formats used, and the computer programs needed to view them, can be found on the Data Formats page.

As the number of datasets increases our open data has been grouped into the following topics:

The council, staffing and pay

Including information about pay policy statement and the HR workforce dashboard, helping you to understand DCC workforce.

The council, local Government transparency code

Including information about senior employee salaries and Trade unions.

Spending and finance

Including spending over £500, grants contracts and tenders.

Highways, land and buildings

Including parking and the location of council properties.