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Facts and Figures

Devon County Council

Mid-year population estimates by age and gender

When summed, some of the figures in the table below may not match the total figure due to rounding.

Devon, 2023

All Ages428,080405,328833,408
Age 0 - 416,78517,79034,575
Aged 5-920,10621,05841,164
Aged 10-1421,90823,20245,110
Aged 15-1922,45323,52045,973
Aged 20-2422,49324,49546,988
Aged 25-2920,49020,89941,389
Aged 30-3423,27722,02345,300
Aged 35-3923,89922,37346,272
Aged 40-4423,90522,64546,550
Aged 45-4922,86521,60944,474
Aged 50-5428,90226,70055,602
Aged 55-5932,25429,83562,089
Aged 60-6431,52329,03660,559
Aged 65-6928,26925,91954,188
Aged 70-7427,36725,00152,368
Aged 75-7926,44323,79950,242
Aged 80-8416,70713,62030,327
Aged 85+18,43411,80430,238

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Source: Office for National Statistics (Nomis)
