Frequently Asked Questions – Childminders
When must I register to accept the funding?
It is best to register for funding at the end of a term in preparation for the next term. There are local conditions of funding which can have a financial impact on registered providers but this is more noticeable for childminders due to the number of children that can attend.
Must I accept children after the headcount if the parent asks for funded hours?
Generally speaking yes, unless you have already got another booking for that place that has been agreed or if it is reserved for another child. Devon County Council needs to make sure that there is enough provision for all two-, three- and four-year-olds to access the entitlement and this condition of funding supports that statutory duty.
I am minding a child who is related to me and who is eligible for the early education. Will I be funded?
No. A childminder may not claim funding to care for a child who is related to them.
The definition of related includes:
- A parent or step-parent of the child
- A person with parental responsibility for the child
- A relative of the child
- A person who is a local authority foster parent in relation to the child
- A person who is a foster parent with whom the child has been placed by a voluntary organisation
- A person who fosters the child privately
The definition of “relative” in relation to a child means a grandparent, aunt, uncle, brother or sister, whether of full blood or half blood or by marriage or civil partnership.
I will be taking my holiday during headcount week what should I do about claiming?
Please contact the helpdesk to discuss your circumstances.
E-mail: Tel: 01392 385530
I want to attend training on a day when I have funded children attending what should I do?
If the children also attend for bought hours you should speak with the parents about making up the funded hours on a different day or if the parents are happy to ‘forfeit’ the funded time then this should be noted on your register. Alternatively, please contact the helpdesk if you wish to discuss your options.
I won’t have any funded children next term, what should I do?
At the end of each term you will receive an email from the helpdesk asking for numbers of children for the next term so that a forecast payment can be made. If no response is received, it will be assumed that you do not have any eligible children and subsequently no payment will be made. This means you will remain on the Directory of Providers, but are not actively claiming funds for children that you are minding.
You must make a return with a zero claim.
Devon County Council recognises that childminders may not have funded children for several terms. It is important that you still keep in touch with us through the helpdesk so that they know that you are still childminding and may, in the future, take children that will be funded.
If you no longer wish to take funded children please contact the helpdesk in writing to tell them and your name will be removed from the Directory of Providers and from the list of funded childminders.
What if I want to stop accepting the funding and wish to de-register?
It is best for children and parents if you can plan this for the end of the term and give sufficient notice. Seeking alternative childcare can be time consuming for parents and a change of provision can be disruptive for children so having time to plan the transition is helpful to all.
You should e-mail the helpdesk giving your name, reason for de-registering and the date when this will take effect.
What if a parent leaves within the notice period stipulated in my contract?
The Early Years Funding can be transferred and a notice period cannot be a condition of the funded place. The new provider will confirm the hours required to be transferred for the remaining number of weeks in the term. Any notice period you require can be attached to any additional chargeable hours and is a private arrangement between providers and parents.
I childmind with another childminder. Can we submit one lot of paperwork for both of us?
No, as you are registered individually with Ofsted we must fund the children that you mind separately. We can, however, make payments into a single bank account.
I belong to a Childminder Agency. How do I claim the funding?
This will depend on the agreement you have made with the agency. We may fund the agency or we may fund you directly – each agency operates differently. There are no agencies on the directory of providers at present.
I am already a funded childminder, how do I become approved to offer the early education for two-year-olds?
A request should be made to the helpdesk and the Provider Agreement returned. This will be passed to the Early Years and Childcare Locality Manager who will check the outcome of the childminders last Ofsted inspection. If it was a satisfactory or requires improvement outcome or if the last inspection was some time ago a decision will be made on the quality of the service and the suitability to be funded. For more information please contact your Early Years and Childcare Adviser.