Virtual School information for IROs and Social Workers
Children in care are on the roll of a Department for Education registered school as well as on the roll of the Virtual School. The school is ‘virtual’ in the sense that it is not a school that children and young people actually attend, most go to school in Devon, with some children attending schools in other local authorities. The Virtual School works across early years settings, schools and colleges, mainly with children and young people aged 3 to 18 years.
The Virtual School is a team of committed professionals with a wide range of expertise and is committed to improving outcomes for children in care. Working with of partners in schools, colleges and early years providers we aim to further narrow the achievement gap which currently exists between this group of children/young people in care and their peers.
You can view the Virtual School structure chart here.
Area Learning Advocates work closely with schools to ensure that provision matches the needs of children in care. They attend some PEP meetings and meet with designated teachers to look at progress and attainment. They are also closely involved in working with schools and other agencies to avoid exclusion for the young person. ALAs also have a close relationship with social workers and IROs. In addition, ALAs are responsible for quality assuring PEPs and, therefore, for the release of Pupil Premium plus.
PEP Support Officers and PEP Coordinators ensure that the PEP process is managed more effectively. As social workers are now requested to attend all PEP meetings, we have changed the work of the PEPSOs. If Social Workers can’t attend then meetings need to be rearranged.
Helen Conibear and Rachel Friend (PEPCOs) are office-based and will help to make sure that the correct people attending meeting, that they complete their section(s) of the ePEP and that it is quality assured.
Jacqui Cooper and Rob Martin (PEPSOs) will keep responsibility for post-16 students.
Bethan Roberts and Kate Stanley (PEPSOs) will continue in their role supporting schools and Social Workers with the PEP process for Early Years and school-aged children.
The Virtual School will prioritise attendance at meetings for Year 6 and Year 11 Children in Care.
The statutory guidance for local authorities ‘Promoting the education of looked after and previously looked after children’ revised in February 2018 is an important point of reference.
Important Information:
- Social workers, IROs and colleagues in the Virtual School must work together to ensure that there are no breaks in educational provision and that there are as few school changes as possible.
- Social workers must inform the Virtual School as soon as there is a potential risk of a placement breakdown and a move of schools.
- For students in Year 6 and Year 11 all moves of school need to be avoided. It is highly unlikely that GCSE examination boards and subjects would be matched from one school to another.
- Where the move of school cannot be avoided, it is the Virtual School in discussions with the social worker, who would take the lead in applying for a new school in liaison with Devon admissions team.
- Where the child has an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) the SEN 0-25 Team would need to be informed at the earliest possible opportunity. There is a statutory timeframe for consultation with schools for admission. Further guidance can be obtained from the Area Learning Advocate.
- As a matter of policy children in care cannot be home educated and cannot be educated in schools out of their year group.
- In addition, children from reception onwards into statutory school age cannot be allowed extended periods out of school. This includes those who are moving from care into adoption.
- The Virtual School does not authorise holidays in term time unless there are truly exceptional circumstances.