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Independent travel training

Independent travel training is a free scheme which has been set up by Devon County Council working with the Transport Co-ordination Service.

The purpose of the scheme is to help young people throughout Devon learn how to develop the skills required for safe, independent travel. This could include road safety, telling the time, how to use a bus pass, appropriate social behaviour and strategies for solving problems. If a child currently travels to school or college on assisted transport and would like to travel on their own, then their own Independent Travel Trainer could help.

Other benefits of the training for your child could include:

  • increased confidence because they arrive at school or college on their own and not on assisted transport
  • more opportunities to develop important social skills and learn how to cope in a variety of situations
  • learning basic travel skills on a familiar route is an excellent foundation from which to learn to travel to new places and meet new friends in the future
  • less dependency on friends and family and have greater freedom.

Accredited travel trainers work with students from mainstream and special schools, pupil referral units and colleges of further education.

Before any training commences the travel trainers liaise closely with parents, tutors, social workers and transport officers from the Transport Co-ordination Service.  Watch this video to find out more about the program:

If you would like your child to take part in this scheme, please contact the Transport Co-ordination Service on 0345 1551019.
