Guidance notes for SEND primary transport applications
Devon County Council (DCC) provides help with transport for children in certain circumstances. Read the information below and if you think your child is eligible for free school transport and you have not heard from the School Transport Team, please complete our online transport application form.
Whose responsibility is it to get a child to school?
It is a parent’s responsibility to get their child to school throughout the whole time they are there, regardless of any change in circumstances.
All parents should consider the practicalities of sending their child to a school that is not in walking distance unless it is the designated or nearest school.
Everyone who wants help with transport should apply if they have not been contacted by the School Transport Team.
Will my child get free school transport?
You can express a preference for a place at any school but choosing the school you would like for your child may mean that you will not be entitled to free school transport so it is very important to check whether your child will be entitled to transport.
How do I check if my child is eligible?
If your child attends the school designated to serve your home address, and you live more than two miles away by the shortest walking route, your child will be entitled to free transport.
You can use our website to check which is the designated school to serve your home address or by telephoning 0345 155 1019.
Your child will be entitled to free transport to the school nearest to your home if it is closer than the designated school, provided it is still over two miles from your home by the shortest walking route.
If your child has been placed at a special school by DCC, this will be their designated school and the normal eligibility criteria will apply.
If your child’s Statement or Education, Health and Care Plan indicates your choice of school is a parental preference, you may not be entitled to transport assistance.
How are distances measured?
Distances are measured using an electronic geographic information system (GIS) and the shortest available walking route. This may include roads, recognised footpaths and bridleways.
The measurement is made between the nearest entrance to your house, for example, a front gate, and the nearest entrance to the school grounds. Private driveways to homes and in schools are not included in the measurement.
What if I live under the distance?
If you live within two miles of your child’s school, you will not be entitled to transport assistance. It will be your responsibility to make sure that your child gets to and from school safely accompanied, as necessary, by a parent or other adult.
What if I live under distance but have exceptional circumstances?
Transport assistance may be granted if you can provide evidence of exceptional circumstances. This can include evidence from any medical professionals who know your child, social workers, educational psychologists, or any other professionals who understand your child’s special needs.
On the application form, please give us full details of your child’s special needs and attach any relevant supporting evidence.
What if my child lives at two addresses?
We only provide transport from one address, and this should be your child’s permanent address. If your child lives at two addresses, you must nominate one of them as the permanent address for transport.
You must let our transport team know as soon as possible if your child’s address changes and provide evidence of this if requested.
What if I would like to transport my child myself but I need assistance with fuel costs?
If you are entitled to transport, and you would like to transport your child yourself but would like some assistance with fuel costs, you still need to complete the application form before your request can be considered.
There is no automatic entitlement to receive contributions towards fuel costs and no guarantees that assistance with fuel costs can be reimbursed even if your child is entitled to transport from DCC.
What if my child travels in a wheelchair or buggy?
If your child needs to travel in a wheelchair or buggy, we must arrange for it to be checked to make sure it is suitable for transport. Your child will not be able to travel until we have completed this check and approved the wheelchair or buggy.
When you return the form to us, please keep these guidance notes for future reference.
Code of conduct
When completing the application, the relevant box on the online application form must be selected to agree that children will behave appropriately on school transport and abide by the code of conduct.
When dealing with issues of inappropriate behaviour on the vehicle, a child’s special needs will be taken into consideration. However, we do have a responsibility to ensure the safety of all passengers and the transport crew.
Your application will not be processed unless the code of conduct is agreed.
What if my child needs to carry emergency medication on the vehicle?
If your child requires emergency medication to go with them on their transport, we need the parent or carer’s written consent to administer the medication and details of your child’s medical needs in order for them to be treated in an emergency.
Whose responsibility is it to ensure the medication and instructions are up-to-date?
It is a parent or carer’s responsibility to keep Devon County Council informed of any changes to the child’s condition and medication and to ensure that the medication is carried with the child at all times.
It is also a parent or carer’s responsibility to keep a copy of the most recent medical intervention protocol with the medicine or intervention equipment at all times and to ensure medication is in date – please remember to check expiry dates.
Please call us on 0345 155 1019 to request a medication intervention form and return it as a matter of urgency because until we have all the required information, the escort will not administer any emergency medication or procedure.
If your child were to have a medical emergency before we receive this information, the escort would call 999 emergency services and any medication carried would be handed over to the paramedic.
Using your personal information
Devon County Council will use the information you provide to process your transport application. Should it be found to be fraudulent the transport may be withdrawn in accordance with the Education Transport Policy.
More information about how we process personal data can be found at:
For all queries please call 0345 155 1019.