Other local authority contact details
You should apply to the local authority where you live. For example, if Devon County Council is your local authority, you should apply on this site, but residents of Plymouth, Torbay, Cornwall, Somerset and Dorset should apply to the relevant local authority:
01752 307469
- Apply for a school place – Plymouth
- primary.admissions@plymouth.gov.uk
- junior.admissions@plymouth.gov.uk
- secondary.admissions@plymouth.gov.uk
- inyear.admissions@plymouth.gov.uk
01803 208908
0300 1234 101
0845 3459122
01305 221060
The following secondary schools are often applied to by people who live in Devon:
Plymouth: Coombe Dean School, Devonport High School for Boys*, Devonport High School for Girls*, Tor Bridge High, Notre Dame RC School*, Plymouth High School for Girls*, Plymstock School, St Boniface’s RC College*
Torbay: Torquay Girls Grammar School*, Torquay Boys Grammar School*, St Cuthbert Mayne School, The Spires College, Torquay Academy, Paignton Academy, Brixham College, Churston Grammar School*
Cornwall: Budehaven Community School, Launceston College, Callington Community College
Somerset: Holyrood Academy, Kingsmead Academy
Dorset: The Woodroffe School*
*If you live in Devon but wish to apply to one of these other local authority schools you will need to complete a separate supplementary information form or a registration form to take an entrance test. Please contact the relevant local authority for further information.