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Guide: Transport for children with special educational needs


There is no automatic entitlement to transport assistance for children who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC plan).

If you apply for a place at your designated school or the nearest school to your home address, your child will get free transport if they live further than the statutory walking distance from the school.

Walking distance is defined as over:

  • two miles from home to school for children of primary school age
  • three miles from home to school for children of secondary school age

You can find out which is your designated mainstream school at School designated areas.

If your child’s EHC plan says that their needs can be met at a mainstream school, the normal eligibility criteria will apply, unless a disability or medical condition means they cannot walk the specified distance for their age.

Where a school is named in accordance with parental preference and is not the nearest suitable school, nor the designated school for the home address then there is no obligation for the Authority to assist with transport.

Please review our Education Travel Policy.

The information contained in this guide is also summarised in the Transport for children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education Health Care Plan leaflet.
