What is the HAF programme?
Since 2018, the Department of Education’s (DfE) funded Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme has provided support to children in receipt of benefit related free school meals through holiday periods.
Research has shown that the school holidays can be pressure points for some families. Our HAF programme is a response to this, with evidence showing that holiday clubs can have a positive impact on children and young people and that they work best when they provide:
- Physical activities
- Enriching activities
- Nutritious food
Devon County Council has 18,468 eligible free school meal children living in Devon. We have been awarded £1.9million to fund the HAF programme in 2024.
Devon County Council recognises and greatly values the important role that schools, community and voluntary organisations can play in delivering this programme and is keen to work with a wide range of partners to maximise resources and opportunities in the development of a county-wide HAF programme. This will be with both existing activity schemes or holiday clubs and may include developing new provision where there are gaps.
Aim of HAF programme
Devon County Council is working with local providers to coordinate a programme of activities and healthy meals for the school holidays.
The aim of the scheme is to support children to eat more healthily, be more active over the school holidays and have a greater knowledge of health and nutrition as well as be more engaged with school and other local services.
The children who take part will enjoy fun activities in a safe and sociable environment. They will have the opportunity to develop new skills or knowledge and try out new experiences. This could include physical activities such as football, table tennis or cricket; creative activities, for example, arts and crafts or drumming workshops or other experiences like a nature walk or visiting a farm. Watch the video below to get a idea of the sort of things on offer.
At least one meal per day will be included and the children will improve their knowledge and awareness of healthy eating.
The scheme aims to help families develop their understanding of nutrition and food budgeting.
Who is this programme for?
The programme is for children in receipt of benefit related free school meals. To see if your child is eligible, please refer to the information for parents and carers page.
Providers can learn more about what activities are eligible for funding and who can get involved on the information for providers page.