Information for parents and carers
We are very pleased to announce that the Department for Education have confirmed that the HAF programme will be funded for another year 2025-2026.
The Department for Education (DfE) funded holiday activities and food (HAF) programme aims to support children, young people and families eligible for HAF to:
- eat more healthily over the school holidays and try new foods
- be more active during the school holidays
- take part in engaging and enriching activities which support the development of resilience, character and wellbeing along with their wider educational attainment
- be safe and not so socially isolated
- have a greater knowledge of health and nutrition
- be more engaged with school and other local services
- be able to develop their understanding of nutrition and food budgeting
- be signposted towards other information and support, for example, health, employment and education
Please note that the HAF programme covers 4 days at Spring, 16 days in the Summer and 4 days at Winter – it does not run in half-term holidays.
Further detail about what the HAF programme is and why it was created can be found here. Information for parents and carers about the HAF programme is set out below.
How do we access the programme?
To access the programme, you will be able to book a place with your chosen provider using a new centralised booking system which is under development. Further details to follow.
Is my child eligible for HAF?
Places will be prioritised for school aged children and young people from reception to year 11 (inclusive) who are receiving benefit-related free school meals, and their families.
Please note this is not for children on universal free school meals.
You can apply for benefit-related free school meals online.
Extended criteria
Parents and carers will be aware that we have been running the Department for Education (DfE) Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme for a number of years in Devon.
The programme is continuing for the coming financial year and will cover the Spring, Summer and Winter holidays for 2025/6. It’s fully funded by the DfE, and they set the criteria for those attending and the aims of the programme.
Nationally, the aim is to provide activities, including a nutritional meal, during the school holidays to young people, aged five to 16 who are eligible for benefit-related Free School Meals (FSM).
That means, it’s a condition of their funding that places are allocated to children and young people who are eligible for FSM first. Beyond that, we have taken a decision locally to use an extended criteria.
We are very happy for places to be given to children and young people who meet the extended criteria, but in the first instance, we have to prioritise the allocation of places to those who are eligible for benefit-related FSM.
If your child is eligible for benefits-related FSMs, then they can book places on our HAF programme when activities become available. Parents and carers will have been sent a code by their school which is unique to their child and can be used for the Spring, Summer and Winter offers for 2025/6 to book a place.
If your child is not eligible for benefits-related FSMs, you may be able to access an extended criteria place. In Devon, our extended criteria places are prioritised for the following children:
- Looked-after
- Previously looked after
- Children with EHCP
- Young Carers
Please note the number of these places are limited. HAF Providers will hold a waiting list for extended criteria places and will not be able to confirm a place until a week before the Holiday period. Priority must be given to the Benefit Related Free School Meal Children.
If you are a parent or carer of a child who meets the extended criteria, please contact your preferred provider and let them know that you are asking for an extended criteria place and explain the category so we can ensure that the funding is allocated. Our HAF providers will hold a waiting list for these places and allocate them a week before the holiday period starts.
Additionally, not all activity providers will be able to accommodate the full age range of the programme. Please check with the provider what age group is appropriate for their activity.
Paid-for places
A number of HAF providers have registered with Ofsted and will offer paid-for places as well as HAF-funded places. See what government help is available to pay for childcare.
What if my child has additional needs?
If your child requires assistance for the activity, please contact the given provider to discuss further – the parent or carer may be welcome to attend or the activity provider may offer extra support for your child.
The providers on offer include those experienced in working with children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and are therefore appropriately trained to support children with a disability or additional needs.
Although HAF sessions are free to eligible families, if your child/ren does not turn up, it means that other eligible children missing out on their opportunity to attend a holiday club and receive a nutritious meal. Therefore, please only book your child/ren onto the days they can attend.
If a child doesn’t attend two or more booked sessions over any holiday period and their place isn’t cancelled in advance, this will result in all of their other bookings being cancelled for the remainder of the holiday. This will enable other child/ren to be offered the place(s).
To cancel a booked session, please contact the HAF club provider by telephone or email 48 hours in advance
Does my child need to bring anything?
Just themselves, a smile (hopefully!), and appropriate clothing for the activity.
If the activity is outdoors, please remember to bring a waterproof coat. If for some reason your activity is cancelled due to wet weather, the activity provider will endeavour to contact you at the earliest opportunity to let you know.
Will meals and refreshments be provided?
Yes, they will. A healthy meal will be provided each day of the activity.
If your child has a food allergy or special dietary requirement, or if you have a question about the meal, please speak to the activity provider. Contact details for providers will be made available ahead of each holiday.
Why are the activities only in some locations?
We invited applications from activity providers across the county who were able to meet the strict HAF criteria. However, as you know, we live in a very rural county, which means there will be limitations as to where the programme will operate. So, unfortunately, there may not be a scheme in every town.
Is transport provided?
We would encourage you to make your own way to the activity, but if you require assistance with transport, please speak to your provider.
Contact information
If you have any queries, please email