Devon Virtual School structure chart
Virtual School Headteacher
Wendy Ohlson
Virtual School Administrator and PA to VS Headteacher
Kate Clarke
PEP Support Officers (PEPSOs)
Bethan Roberts – Mid Devon and Exeter
Kate Stanley – East Devon
Robert Martin – South Devon and Post-16
Vacancy – North Devon
PEP Coordinators (PEPCOs)
Helen Conibear
Rachel Friend
Area Learning Advocates (ALAs)
Julie Potter – Exeter and East Devon, also support for Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children
Kim Piper – North Devon
Sarah Acland – Exeter and Mid Devon
Andrew Squire – South Devon, also supported for SGO and adopted children
Danny Mead – 16 to 18 and NEET
CiC Data Coordinator
Sarah Short
Advocate for Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC)
Colin Mitchell
VS SEN Officer
Sarah Winstone
VS SEN Assessment Coordinator
Emily Snape
Educational Support Officer
Aga Spier
Education Advisor (Secondary and post 16)
David Wibberly
Education Advisor (Early years and Secondary)
Kate Hingson
Contact us
Call 01392 383000 and say the name of the person you wish to speak to.
Alternatively, speak to our administrator, Kate Clarke, on 01392 384786 or email