Meeting the accommodation needs of our children in care and care leavers
How we will provide our children in care and care leavers with a safe and supportive place to live.
Introduction and purpose
What is a sufficiency strategy and why do we need one.
The picture in Devon
The key facts about children in care and care leavers in Devon.
Feedback from children and young people
Children and young people have told us about the things that are important to them.
What we need to do
An outline of key findings and the gaps that have been identified.
Strategic recommendations about how we solve the challenges that have been identified.
Actions for the next three years
A breakdown of the key actions we’ll take in the next three years, how they’ll happen and by when.
Need and data
All available information, intelligence, insights and data has been collected and analysed to evidence the care and support sufficiency needs of the children and young people who are in care or care experienced in Devon. This information has been summarised and used to inform the recommendations and actions presented.
The needs analysis for the sufficiency strategy is currently being refreshed, and will be published here once it is ready.
Gov UK guidance
How local authorities plan for sufficiency of accommodation that meets the needs of children in care and care leavers and statutory guidance on securing sufficient accommodation for looked after children