Information we collect
We are committed to being clear about how we will use your application form and other documents you give us. As a public organisation we have to follow all data protection laws and regulations that are applicable and in force from time to time (the ‘Data Protection legislation’). Our privacy notice can be found here.
You confirm you understand your legal responsibilities under Data Protection Legislation.
You consent to DCC releasing details in the following sections from our application form:
- Section 1 – Our organisation’s name and address
- Section 2 – About our Grant Application
- Section 3 – Impact
- Section 4 – Project Budget
I agree that you can use the application form and the other information I supply, including any personal information covered by data protection legislation, for the following purposes:
- To provide copies to other individuals or organisations who are helping us to evaluate your grant.
- To share information with organisations and individuals working with us with a legitimate interest in grants or specific funding programmes.
- To hold in a database and use for statistical purposes.
- To publish information about your organisation relating to the activity we have funded, including the amount of the grant and the activity it was for. This information may appear in our press releases, in our print and online publications, and in the publications or websites of relevant government departments and any partner organisations who have funded the activity with us.
- To use your photographs in publicity material. If your photographs include people, you must gain their permission (or that of parents or guardians for children under 16) before you submit them to us. You agree to ensure that you have the written consent of the copyright owner of the images you send to us so that we may use any of them to represent the project.