Host Organisations
Where a very small group or organisation does not have its own bank account, may not have all of the documents outlined above, and is not yet formally constituted, we may consider paying a grant to a host organisation where:
- the host organisation is a registered charity or parish or town council
- the host organisation bank account is in the name of the organisation with a minimum of 2 unconnected bank signatories
- the host organisation knows of the applying group and is aware of the project or activity
- the applying organisation is newly formed or unconstituted or both
- the applying organisation is in the process or planning stage of setting up its own bank account
We will request written confirmation from host organisations that they will be holding funds on behalf of the applicant for the purposes of the grant. Receipt of this confirmation will be required before the application is considered complete.
Please note that any groups applying in partnership with a host organisation will still be expected to provide evidence of financial management, for example, a basic cashflow, and to have relevant policies in place as per our standard requirements.
A host organisation can act as a host for more than one applicant and is able to apply to DCC for a grant in their own name whilst being a host.
If the grant you are applying for will require the use of a host organisation, the application form provides space for you to provide contact details for the host organisation.