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Learning Disability Partnership Board (LDPB) – July 2018

Learning Disability Partnership Board (LDPB) meeting held on 17th July 2018

 Summary of meeting

The LDPB discussions included:

Promoting Independence

Sophie Holmes – Senior Commission Officer (Disability) talked about:

Promoting independence workshops she had attended.

Living Well with a Learning Disability in Devon Strategy

Sophie Holmes – Senior Commission Officer (Disability) informed the board:

 Work has been done to turn the document into an Easy Read format, to be signed off by September 201

Better Care Fund and NHSE funding bids

There has been some more funding for the next two years, that’s been given to local authorities and CCG’s.

The criterion for it is to improve delayed transfers of care. We have been working together with CCG’s to look at how we can improve the flow of impatient admissions and avoid them.

A range of proposals have been put forward which include:

  • All universal services and providers will have the necessary training in supporting people with learning disabilities and autism.
  • Having a quality checking team. This will be six people with learning disabilities, working alongside the primary care liaison nurses and GP’s to check the quality of health checks

 Ready When You Are

Increasing employment opportunities

Sophie Holmes – Senior Commission Officer (Disability) informed the board:

In September 2018 Devon County Council, in conjunction with the Sustainable Transformation Partnership, and in partnership with the Department for Work and Pensions, are launching a 3 month multimedia and film campaign called Ready When You Are

The campaign is aimed at employers, encouraging them to recruit people with mental health conditions, learning disability and / or autism.

The Learning Disabilities Mortality Review Programme (LeaDer)

Guy Bradley-Smith talked about:

The confidential enquiry (2013), which came out of the start of looking at the deaths of people with Learning Disabilities in hospital as far back as 2007. There is also the Learning Disability mortality review, initially done in South West of England. We are not looking to find fault or investigate people and make things worse. This is all about continuing to learn what we can all do in medicine, nursing and general health services to make things better.

 Accredited Reviewer Project

Gabrielle Lester Smith talked about

  1. What has been achieved so far
  2. How people with benefit from the Project:
  • To provide a more timely experience for service users, providing the right care at the right time.
  • Contributes to a reduction in safeguarding concerns through a more timely review process.
  • A process which is more responsive and benefits the whole health & social Care System, supporting partnership working.
  • To create a successful model that can be rolled out across the provider market and recycle care management time.

Accommodation with Care

 Paul Collinge talked about:

How the accommodation strategy will hopefully lead to an increase of options for someone who needs care and/or support.

The strategy should describe the housing and accommodation needs in the future.

The group was encouraged to think about what their expectations of the future may look like and asked them to take part in a workshop, to answer questions so that we could gain some feedback.
