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Joint Engagement Forum (JEF) – 10th December 2020

Meeting held on 10th December 2020



This quarter the JEF discussions included:

Devon Engagement Service, Covid – 19 Impact Assessment Engagement

Living Options Devon (LOD) were asked to gather information from partners who represent hard to reach vulnerable people who receive ASC services and complete three reports. The engagement was to be fed back into Equality Impact Assessments at DCC, identifying gaps in services and how individuals were coping. The presentation shows the questions and the key themes that came as a result of the questions. Reports had been produced for May, July, October and December 2020, December questions included:

Question 1. How are people coping with social isolation?

Question 2. Are people able to get in touch with Care Direct or any local social care offices OK?

Question 3. How is technology being used to combat social isolation?

Question 4. What sources of community support are being used?

The full report is now available on the Involvement and Equalities public facing website with other Covid impact reports from partner organisations
Link to Covid impact reports

It was noted that good use has be made of the reports, they have helped community teams to link with third sector organisations and informed Safeguarding work.

JEF members were given an opportunity to ask questions about the reports and information was shared during the meeting for further reading and joining up.

Healthwatch Shielding Report

JEF heard a brief overview of the latest report and the Key findings were:

  • The effect on quality of life.
  • Social isolation.
  • The negative impact on mental health.

It was agreed that a joint headline report should be produced by LOD, Healthwatch and Devon Carers.
Learning Disability Partnership Board

In September the JEF saw an information video about the Devon Learning Disability Partnership Boards New Way of Working.

Since then, together with their Partners, Sally and Robert have been busy setting up the sub the groups, including:

  • Social Care discussion group
  • Health & Wellbeing discussion group & Health Subgroup
  • Carers discussion group
  • Big Community Catch-up

Autism Involvement Group

The Autism Involvement Group met online (Teams) for the first time since Covid started 11th August 2020. These will continue online until further notice. Here is what they heard:

AIG and the GP Autism Awareness Survey (Living Options Devon)
DFA members gave a presentation about the Dimensions for Autism (DFA) Link to ‘Yellow Brick Road guide’ and reminded staff about the information and links to support in this guide.

Carer Ambassadors

Together for Devon Carers Hospital Service ” has been shortlisted for the Health Service Journal (HSG Award) in the System-led Support for Carers Category.

In 2021 Devon County/Devon Carers are looking at driving forward the recruitment of Carer Ambassadors.

There are now 48 CAs and the target is to have 68 which covers a range of illnesses and disorders. Thank you to CAs and all the work that they do. 130,000 Carers have now been identified as part of the work done by the Devon Carers ‘Raising Awareness Campaign’ in Devon, because of this peer support is being revamped, new roles have been taken up. Currently the main Covid issues are around packages of care and anxiety of visiting loved ones.

Commissioning Involvement Group

CIG heard a presentation explaining Integration including information about the Sustainable Transformation Partnership (STP) which is also called ‘Team Devon’. Moving forward the information will help CIG understand the work of commissioners.

Co-Production Group

Update included:

  • Work on the online Co-Production Awareness Sessions
  • Setting up of the Co-Production Network

Safeguarding Reference Group

The Adult Social Care Reference Group (ASCRG) meets quarterly, those who attend are service users and organisation reps who have been part of a safeguarding process for hard to reach and vulnerable. They have run a focus group on the Safeguarding Campaign to make sure campaign (before Covid) was as representative of Devon as possible.

Equality Reference Group

ERG is Passionate about minority groups which include Intercom Trust, representatives for disabilities, race, belief and are trying to encourage Devon to be equal and diverse.

Recently there has been an increase in ‘Hate Crime’, when lockdown was first lifted there were more referrals from the Victim Care unit because of prejudice and discrimination.

JEF heard the Hate Crime report and were given opportunities to ask questions afterwards.

The report will help Commissioning services consider the increased needs.

HOPE programme

Hope Delivery Group update – HOPE continues to run, there are two ways to access courses, digitally or virtually for Devon. The group are developing an LD HOPE course, exercises within the course have been adapted and will be put in Easy Read formats, hopefully the course will be adopted nationally.

Other LOD Engagement

LOD are working with Age UK to focus on impact of Covid on care home residences in the new year. Care home residences are hard to access but their voices need to be heard. Hopefully some work will take place with Clinically Extremely Vulnerable People (CEV) people who have had negative experiences, Leila welcomed feedback from JEF members.

The GP Autism awareness survey/mystery shopping is being taken forward, the vaccine will impact on this.

Work done this year on people’s awareness of social prescribing in Devon could be submitted for a National Conference

Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB)

JEF members heard an update on the Health and Wellbeing Board and the main points included:

Safer Devon Partnership gave a presentation on domestic violence and sexual abuse on children, which highlighted concerns about younger children as well as drinking and drug use.
Good work is being done on children to adult transition services.
There are concerns on county lines and exploitation on drug related crimes due to people looking for work.
There was an update on mental health and an offer to support the development of a plan.
HWWB have reviewed the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, creating opportunities for all.
There was an update on third phase of NHS plan.
The Teignmouth and Dawlish plan report is accessible from today and they will be developing a Devon People plan to help with work force.

Health Watch (HW) Devon consumer voice issues

JEF members heard an update on the Health and Wellbeing Board report and the main points included:

  • Sept/Nov 2020 Key themes Identified from feedback received from:
  1. Primary Care
  2. Hospital Services
  3. Mental Health Services
  4. Social Care
  5. Provider Issues
  • Current Engagement Activity in HW Devon area
  • Engagement Activity – Current Engagement Activity in HW Devon area and across the wider Devon geographical footprint
  • Other Engagement and Involvement Activities

NHS engagement – Think 111 – Covid –19 and Health Inequalities

JEF members heard:

Work is being done on the Think 111 campaign and that it is a long campaign so there is plenty of time to consider what is needed. The presentation highlighted and included:

  • The national position
  • Think 111 First
  • Why call 111 first?
  • How we are engaging local people
  • Marketing campaign
  • Planning for the next stage of the campaign (December – March 2021)

JEF members were given a chance for questions and discussion afterwards.

Equality Action Plan 2021 to 2023

The JEF saw a presentation which included:

  • Revised Equality Objectives:
  1. Improved data collection
  2. Improved analysis of data
  3. Development of skills and competencies
  4. Improving experience and responding to need
  5. Improved monitoring of provider compliance with equality duties
  • Aim and actions:
  1. Data collection
  2. Analysis of data
  3. Skills and competencies
  4. Provider monitoring
