Professional development opportunities and qualifications
Early years professionals and early years teachers
Early years professionals (EYPs) and Early years teachers (EYTs) are graduate level practitioners key to raising the quality of early years provision. They are ‘change agents’ to improve practice. EYPs / EYTs lead practice across the Early Years Foundation Stage, support and mentor other practitioners and model the skills and behaviours that safeguard and support children. EYPs / EYTs have helped to improve the quality of early education which has been recognised by the government and has helped to shape future developments.
Please note EYPs / EYTs do not hold Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).
Early years teacher training providers
A list of approved Early years teacher training providers across the country for September intake is available on the Department for Education website.
Please contact a training provider for more information.
Early years teacher training providers include:
- The University of St Mark and St John (Marjons) offer training at their Plymouth campus. For further information please visit the University of St Mark & St John (Marjons) website.
- The University of Plymouth offer training at their Plymouth campus. For further information visit the University of Plymouth website.
- Best Practice Network
You can also find more information on the PACEY website (professional association for childcare and early years).
Early years SENDCo
The role of the early years SENCO (
The Early Years Consultant (EYC) team provide the Area SENDCo role for all early years settings in Devon. This includes ensuring that setting SENDCos can effectively meet the needs of all children, supporting them to meet the national and local requirements. To ensure that there is equity of access to services for all children in receipt of Early Years Education Funding (EYEF) the Area SENDCo role also includes support for academy and maintained nurseries as well as governor run provision.
We provide:
- General inclusion support to setting/school SENDCo and EYFS practitioners
- Specific support for settings/schools relating to individual children with additional needs
EYCs will offer advice to Early Years SENDCos and relevant staff including the key person relating to:
- Promoting an inclusive environment
- Implementing the graduated response
- Becoming a new SENDCo
- Signposting to other agencies
- Completing appropriate referral forms and inclusion funding forms
- Training, including regular SENDCo forums
- Safeguarding concerns
Early years SENDCo training providers
The early years SENDCo qualification is for a Level 3 practitioners working in a private, voluntary or independent setting. It is also appropriate for childminders. This is an important role to ensure the best possible educational outcomes are achieved for children with special educational needs and disabilities.
The DfE is pleased to announce that it has appointed Best Practice Network to deliver training to up to 5,000 early years SENCOs across England over the next two years:
National professional qualifications for early years leadership (NPQEYL)
This course is for current or aspiring managers of private, voluntary and independent nurseries, headteachers of school-based or maintained nurseries, childminders with leadership responsibilities.