The Zero Energy Buildings Catalyst (ZEBCat) programme is an innovative programme demonstrating the retrofit of domestic and non-domestic buildings to achieve substantial reductions in energy consumption and carbon emissions. The programme is supported by the European Regional Development Fund and led by Devon County Council.
ZEBCat will run from 2017-20 and will:
- undertake the whole-house retrofit of 15 homes in Devon using the innovative Energiesprong approach– a first for the south west
- deliver a 40% energy reduction retrofit of DCC’s Great Moor House
- support at least 80 enterprises in Devon to engage with new models of delivering whole-house retrofit at scale.
Programme partners are Devon County Council (Lead), Energiesprong UK, Exeter City Council, North Devon Homes, Regen and Sanctuary Housing.
Supporting local businesses
Enterprises in Devon can apply for 12 hrs of free support to help them engage with this market opportunity. To be eligible, enterprises must be an SME (or community energy group with some economic activity), registered in Devon and looking to engage more with the whole-house retrofit market.
The support on offer is flexible, but will include:
- technical training courses on energy efficiency, whole-house retrofit and new business models
- UK based study tours to see other demonstrator projects deliver whole-house retrofit
- toolbox talks and seminars in Devon, focusing on the ZEBCat demonstrators
- support from the ZEBCat supply chain network that will build over time, offering networking and peer-to-peer sharing.
If you are interested in finding out more contact Tim Crook at Regen. Email or call 01392 494399.
Energiesprong is a revolutionary, whole house refurbishment and new build standard and funding approach. The mission of EnergiesprongUK is to scale this approach in the UK market.
The Energiesprong standard focuses on creating desirable homes that people love to live in. Because an Energiesprong retrofit (or new build) has the very best energy standard available, it uses the money that would normally be paid on energy bills and maintenance to pay for the works.