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What happens after I have applied?

Applications can be submitted at any point up until the cut off date of the last working day in January 2020. After eligibility assessments the application will be reviewed by the elected DCC Cabinet Member who leads on matters concerning Communities and the local elected DCC Member/s appropriate to your project/idea. You will be contacted after your application has been considered to let you know whether your application has been successful.

Subject to demand, we aim to let applicants know whether their application is successful within 6 weeks (sooner if possible) Payment by BACS will be made soon after this time, but you will be notified of when.

We may contact you for further details about your application in the meantime.

**(b) If you are successful in getting funding for your idea/initiative, we will ask you for some feedback on how it is going; within 3 months of the project being completed, and then again later if requested. We may also share your application and your evaluation outcomes publicly, to promote the DCC grant scheme and to encourage others to apply. We will require:

  • A one-page project and evaluation summary, with at least 10 photographs or a video of the project in action, which we can use in our communications, publicity materials and on our website and social media channels.
  • Copies of invoices and receipts relating to the DCC grant provided
  •  Any publicity you generate must clearly acknowledge the contribution DCC has made to the project.

The Making the Connection scheme will close once all the available funds have been allocated and any remaining funds at year end may be used within other DCC grant schemes.

Where an application is unsuccessful and considered to be some distance from meeting the requirements of this Fund, we will try to signpost the applicant to other more suitable sources of support and advice.
