Devon County Council declared a Climate Emergency in 2019 and the authority is aiming to be Carbon Net Zero by 2030. Road building and maintenance contributes to our carbon emissions so it’s vital that we reduce emissions.
Following a successful bid through the Live Labs 2 programme organised by ADEPT (Association of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning & Transport) Devon County Council was awarded £3.7 million from the DfT (Department for Transport) for the A382 scheme.
The A382 link roads project builds on the work carried out so far to highlight that net zero highways are possible without the need for offsetting.
We have been working with the University of Exeter and maintenance contractor Milestone Infrastructure to develop a “carbon calculator” to identify and measure the carbon produced in every aspect of road repairs and construction.
This calculator is already recognised as the leading tool in the sector by ADEPT (Association of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning & Transport) / FHRG (Future Highways Research Group).
In addition to Devon and the University of Exeter’s work on the carbon calculator, we have also developed a carbon capture tool which we will use to determine the actual carbon generated by the scheme and demonstrate measurable savings in carbon.
Our calculation tool includes the full life carbon costs of the works we undertake, including maintenance.
Carbon reduction
The scheme is an opportunity to accelerate the reduction of carbon emissions associated with the design, construction and maintenance of highways.
We want to engage existing industry experts, make the most of local skills and attract innovators in the early stages of developing products or processes so that innovations can be accelerated and included within the project.
Through the design of the road we are looking to minimise the assets that will require maintenance and through material choice and working practices we will look to extend the maintenance life of those assets, for example constructing surfacing with a longer life span.
Consideration of long-term maintenance will be an important factor in the decision making process on the selection of initiatives. Innovations will have their carbon credentials scrutinised prior to inclusion so that the project team is satisfied that a saving will be achieved, and where possible the re-use or recycling of existing features and material will be considered.
At the core of the project is finding, testing, implementing, and sharing innovation to go beyond removing all 10,000 tCO2e of the preliminary carbon footprint baseline from the scheme.
The aim is to challenge and improve on established industry practice. The progress and results, both successes and failures, of the various Live Labs trials on the A382 project will be shared widely across the industry.
Interventions which are successful in reducing carbon emissions and practical to employ elsewhere will be immediately applicable to the other six ground-breaking Live Labs projects aiming to deliver net zero local roads right across the UK.