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Matthew Jones:

Director of Transformation and Business Services

Matthew Jones, Director of Transformation and Business Services
Matthew Jones: Director of Transformation and Business Services

Role and responsibilities

Matthew has a lead role in driving digital developments across the organisation for the benefit of citizens and staff, ensuring we make the most of technology.

Matthew is specifically responsible for a range of services that are critical for the smooth running of the County Council, enabling all of us to work more efficiently; is fundamental to ensuring that the County Council’s key resources are prioritised to meet organisational demand and ensuring that the County Council’s statutory and legislative responsibilities are both supported and discharged.

As such it covers a range of functions that are critical to supporting frontline service delivery including Information and Communications Technology, Property Asset Strategy, Procurement Services, Land and Property Management (including the County Farms Estate), Facilities Management, Business Support (both Front line and back office support), Customer Services Centre, Customer Relations, Information Governance, Digital Transformation and Cyber Security.


Matthew studied Geography at Kingston University in London and went on to complete a Postgraduate Diploma in Housing at Westminster University.

He started his career managing student and key worker accommodation in London and went on to work for national housing associations leading multi-million pound investment programmes.

During this time Matthew has managed several large and dispersed social housing schemes across London and the South East including supported accommodation, extra care housing and shared ownership schemes. He also has worked in private property practice for an international company.

Since joining DCC Matthew has been responsible for the successful delivery of the Council’s Estate Strategy and a programme to significantly reduce the number and cost of DCC buildings.

He led and developed DCCs innovative approach to transferring DCC assets to community organisations and as part of this work developed a toolkit to assess social value.

He has taken on responsibility for a wide range of key support services which underpin DCCs Strategic Priorities including Business Support, Customer Relations and Digital Transformation.

Matthew holds an Institute of Leadership and Management Qualification and has participated in several peer reviews for Local Partnerships (a joint venture between the Local Government Association, HM Treasury and the Welsh Government), supporting other Local Authorities to review services and programmes.

Until recently Matthew was a Trustee of an Exeter-based charity which aims to reduce social isolation, improve physical health and mental health and wellbeing and create a safer, stronger and more active community. In 2021 the charity opened a brand new community hub and café.

Matthew considers himself an ‘Honorary Devonian’. While not born in Devon, he grew up in South Devon, and a stint working for a private company in London made Matthew realise he wished to return to Devon where his vocation was in public service helping to make a difference for communities.

Matthew is passionate about the wonderful natural environment and enjoys walking and cycling; he loves good food and is rumoured to be a good cook, making the best pavlova in the county!

Matthew’s direct reports are:

  • Melanie Wellard

    Assistant Director – Business Services

  • Leroy Venn

    Assistant Director – Change and Improvement

  • Amanda Palmer

    Assistant Director – Transformation & Lead
