Role and responsibilities
Meg has responsibility for managing Devon’s assets including highways, schools and county estates, and the Council’s Capital Programme. The service also helps the people of Devon to reduce their waste.
Meg joined Devon County Council in 1989 as a graduate trainee, starting in the design team, which is now Infrastructure Development. Meg progressed into highway maintenance becoming Divisional Surveyor for East Devon, and then larger geographical areas of the county, before joining the highway asset team.
She was appointed Chief Officer for Highways, Infrastructure, Development and Waste in 2017 and is now Director for Climate Change, Environment and Transport.
Meg is a Chartered Engineer and a Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers, a Fellow of the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation and has a BEng in civil engineering.
To relax, Meg will be found walking the Public Rights of Way network in Devon, and her eagle eye will almost certainly spot when she crosses the border into other council areas, whether that’s the quality of their stiles, way markers, or overgrown vegetation.
Meg is always keen to let colleagues know when ‘her’ swallows return in spring and have their usual two broods of youngsters in the garage.
Meg is also a keen gardener with a large vegetable patch which keeps her busy, especially when surrounded by wildlife – notably deer and rabbits, who love nibbling the tops off onions and leeks!
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