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The Devon Learning Disability Partnership Board met on November 20th 2023. As this was the start of national Safeguarding Adults Week we explored several aspects of safeguarding.
Part one was a Question and Answer session with officers from Devon County Council’s Safeguarding Team with questions submitted by Board members.
Part two was an input on Overcoming barriers and changing lives with a member of the Stop Loan Shark team. This session explored how to ask soft questions to establish if someone owed money to a loan shark.
Part three was an update from a community-based Project Officer who had come to share findings from a piece of work she had undertaken across Plymouth, Devon and Torbay. It contained recommendations on how best to support people with learning disabilities to disclose domestic abuse and sexual violence.
During Any other Business there was an update from DPT on a new mental health unit being built in Dawlish for autistic people and people with learning disabilities.