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Joint Engagement Forum (JEF)

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The Joint Engagement Forum (JEF) was established in April 2017 as a way of supporting the involvement of people who receive health and social care support in the planning, development and monitoring of services commissioned by Devon County Council and NHS Devon.

The JEF meets quarterly and takes the form of a multi-part meeting with which varies throughout the event to enable the most relevant people to attend for particular agenda items.

The business of the JEF usually consists of:

A round-up of the last quarter’s engagement activity to help make links and share insights between change projects

A question and answer forum with health and social care managers

A discussion to enable to inform the input the JEF representative makes on the next Health and Wellbeing Board

Space to reflect on the development of ways in which service users and carers are meaningfully involved in health and social care.

The JEF is supported by Living Options Devon as holders of the Local Engagement Contract and by Devon County Council’s Involvement Team, with attendance that varies meeting to meeting, by participation officers from NHS Devon CCG. Representatives from DCC’s Equality Reference Group also sit on the JEF, to ensure that the perspectives of people with characteristic protected by the Equality Act can be taken into account as well as service user and carer issues.

The engagement overview section of the meeting receives updates from both Living Options facilitated work and groups includes DCC’s Involvement Team and is kept deliberately flexible so it can cover a diverse range of activities.

Previous Joint Engagement Forum summaries

