Self-Directed Support and Direct Payments
This consultation is on the revised policy and supporting documents on direct payments and self directed support from Devon County Council.
- guidance SDS user
- self directed support (Direct Payments) draft policy
- leaflet SDS user
- DP policy presentation
All views are welcome but we are particularly interested in the answers for the following questions:
- Does the policy provide the level of information needed to understand the Direct Payments offer?
- Self Directed Support is an approach and a set of principles aimed at giving people more choice and control of their support services. Direct Payments is a process that can help to deliver these aims. Do people prefer the title of this policy and guidance to be Self Directed Support, to highlight the aims and principles involved, or should it continue to be called the Direct Payments Policy, focussing on the process for achieving these aims and principles, or should the title say both SDS and DP as we have done in the new Draft Policy?
- Is the draft Service User Guidance on Self Directed Support and the shorter introductory leaflet on SDS helpful?
- What could make any of these documents clearer and easier to read?
Please send us feedback on those documents to :