Union Road, Exeter E4 cycle route
Last updated: March 2024
The Union Road cycle route scheme was consulted on in June – July 2021. It forms a key part of the E4 strategic cycle route, which is listed as a priority route in the adopted Exeter Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan.
However, the scheme is currently at an informal stage, because it has not yet received committee approval to progress further. Due to limited available funding and the lack of committee approval, we do not presently have a programme for the construction of this scheme.
The results of the 2021 public consultation can be found in the full consultation report.
A shorter version of the report is also available here.
What did we consult on?
The E4 cycle route is a 5km cycle route connecting the East of Exeter, via Redhayes Bridges and Pinhoe, to the University of Exeter and St David’s station. A map of the route is shown below:
The first 3km of the route from Redhayes Bridge has already been completed. Union Road is the next section, and designs will need to balance providing a high-quality cycle route with the needs of pedestrians, car users and public transport users.
We came up with a solution that will allow everyone to have space and invited feedback to help us make further improvements to the proposals.
The cycle route is shown on the E4 Cycle Route Overview plan.
What are we proposing?
The scheme proposals are shown on the following plan
Union Road – E4 Cycle Route Scheme Overview scheme plan
The proposed Union Road scheme includes:
- provision of a new two-way cycle route along the north side of Union Road. For the majority of this route, cyclists will be segregated from pedestrians, and where this is not possible a shared path will be provided
- removal of parking on Union Road – see below for proposed measures to compensate for the loss of parking
- existing bus stops to be relocated along Union Road
- access to all private driveways to remain
- new zebra crossing of Union Road, located to the west of the Culverland Close junction
- existing zebra crossing at Saunders Convenience Store to remain
- existing loading bay at Victoria Inn to remain
Junction modifications
Stoke Hill roundabout junction
- New double mini-roundabout arrangement including two mini-roundabouts with a short link between the junctions and central traffic island.
- New parallel pedestrian/cycle crossings.
- Shared use footway/cycleway facilities around the existing roundabout with new parallel crossings at each roundabout arm.
- Widening of footways between the Old Tiverton Road and Mount Pleasant Road, and Union Road and Stoke Hill is shown to provide additional space for pedestrians and cyclists.
- The existing zebra crossing on Prince Charles Road approximately 60m east of new crossing is shown to be removed.
Pennsylvania Road junction
Changes to Pennsylvania Road junction are proposed to allow the cycle route to extend through the junction. To achieve this, it will require relocating the stop line away from the junction which is a similar layout to the Magdalen Road/College Road junction in St Leonards. Devonshire Place could be made one way southbound for the proposed layout of the Pennsylvania Road junction.
Loss of parking along Union Road
The Union Road parking plan shows existing parking provision and possible changes to parking along Union Road and in the St James area.
Improving cycle facilities on Union Road will require the removal of on-street parking. We want to hear your views on what you think could help to mitigate this.
On-street parking spaces are proposed to be removed on Union Road for the new cycle facilities. This includes two disabled bay spaces which are no longer required. Surveys indicated approximately 75% maximum parking occupancy.
Two on-street parking spaces are to be removed at the northern end of Old Tiverton Road for the new cycle facilities at Stoke Hill roundabout.
Current proposals which could help in offsetting and re-allocating parking include:
- changing or converting some of the 2 hour limited waiting spaces on adjacent roads to resident’s permit parking
- considering moving all Union Road addresses into the Residents Parking Zone S4
- new Car Club vehicles to provide ad hoc access to cars, instead of ownership
- new short-term parking in the vicinity of the shop
Design choices
Why did we progress designs for a two-way cycle path?
A two-way cycle path requires less space than lanes on each side of Union Road. With limited road space available this was considered to be the best solution.
We also considered the option of creating a wide shared path along the complete length of Union Road, however, this was not taken forward as this area is popular with pedestrians and cyclists alike and would not necessarily give everyone the space they need.
Why did we design a double mini roundabout at Stoke Hill?
Improving the Stoke Hill junction layout with a double mini roundabout creates extra space for pedestrians and cyclists on Union Road. New shared paths and pedestrian/cycle crossings are proposed to provide safe routes around the roundabouts.
An alternative of traffic signals was considered but with five arms connecting the junction and separate pedestrian and cyclist phases this would increase delays for all users.
How can I find out more information?
A consultation webinar held by Transport Planning Officers and Local councillors was conducted on the 15 June 2021. A recording of the presentation is now available to be viewed on YouTube.
The consultation leaflet contains details of the proposed Union Road – E4 Cycle Scheme Route.
What will happen next?
The feedback from the 2021 public consultation is summarised in the report linked at the top of this page. This will be used to develop the proposals for Union Road, Stoke Hill Roundabout and Pennsylvania Road Junction in more detail, to ensure all users get maximum benefit.
However, the scheme is currently at an informal stage, because it has not yet received committee approval to progress further. Due to limited available funding and the lack of committee approval, we do not presently have a programme for the construction of this scheme.
Frequently asked questions
Please find our answers to some frequently asked questions about the proposed scheme