The Exeter Transport Strategy
Consultation on the Exeter Transport Strategy 2020-2030 is now open.
Please read the information provided below and have your say using our online questionnaire.
The consultation will close on 28 February.
Exeter is a thriving economic centre for the county and is a desirable location to live. The city has grown rapidly over the past two decades and this economic success and growing influence has increased travel demand into the city.
The existing transport strategy for Exeter is set out in the Local Transport Plan 3 (2011-2026). The County Council has made good progress in helping deliver over £75 million of new transport infrastructure in Exeter and East Devon Growth Point area since 2011. This has included motorway junction improvements, road widening schemes, cycling infrastructure and new rail stations.
A significant part of the existing strategy has now been delivered. With a better understanding of travel habits and rapidly changing technology, we want to update the strategy to address current priorities and the needs of communities.
This has led to the development of this draft strategy which we are now seeking your views on.
The proposals
The new Exeter Transport Strategy will build upon the growth led focus in the Local Transport Plan 3 and include a greater focus on improved travel choices, people and technology.
Central to this strategy will be to address constraints on sustainable transport networks, providing the basis of a connected City Region, deliver interventions that contribute to improved quality of life and utilise the opportunities that technological advancements have created to integrate information and engage with people about the travel choices they make.
The new Transport Strategy for Exeter consists of three key themes:
- Greater Connectivity.
- Greater Places for People.
- Greater Innovation.
More detail on the specific measures to achieve this strategy are set out in greater detail in the supporting documentation below:
Supporting documentation
- Exeter Transport Strategy (2020-2030)
- Exeter Transport Strategy summary leaflet
- Greater Exeter Study – Transport Empirical Data Report
Have your say
Please let us know your views by completing the online questionnaire.
If you would like further information please get in touch using the contact details below.