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Proposal to establish a Resource Base at Ilfracombe C of E Junior School

Following consultation and completion of the statutory process, Devon County Council’s Cabinet has approved a proposal to establish Resource Base provision at Ilfracombe Church of England Junior School (Local Authority Maintained School) for children and young people with Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs from January 2022. The provision will be for learners who have an Education and Health Care Plan and placements will be agreed by DCC’s SEN 0-25 Team. Capacity will be for a minimum of 6 learners with capacity to extend to a maximum of 8 learners.


The proposal at Ilfracombe C of E Junior School is part of a Devon wide project to create additional Resource Base provision in Devon Maintained and Academy Schools for learners with Education, Health and Care Plans.

An informal joint consultation has already taken place in collaboration with the Academies shown below.  However, as Academy Schools are independent of the Local Authority, they will now each submit a Business Case to the Department for Education and the Regional Schools Commissioner will consider the case and be the decision-maker for the Academy School proposals.  The proposals for the Academy Schools are as follows:

Westcliff Academy, Dawlish: a Social, Emotional and Mental Health Resource Base

Great Torrington School: a Social, Emotional and Mental Health Resource Base

Okehampton Primary School: Resource Base for children with Communication and Interaction needs

Whipton Barton Federation, Exeter: Resource Base for children with Communication and Interaction needs

Teignmouth Community School and Nursery: a Nurture unit.


Contact information: Address: Strategic Planning - Children's Services, Room 120, Devon County Council, Topsham Road, Exeter, EX2 4QD
Phone: 01392382057
Results published
