Consultation – North Devon Link Service
The consultation on a revised North Devon Link Service proposal will now run from 23 September until 22 October 2021. Detailed below are a series of ways in which you can have your say during this period.
It follows an engagement process which ended on 13 September 2021. Comments and views received have been reviewed, considered and themes gathered to inform this consultation.
The proposal
- To redesign the North Devon Link Service to one that works with people in their community to address their needs and enable them to live as independently as possible. The redesigned service will, in the first instance, be for new people accessing the service who have an eligible social care need under the Care Act 2014.
- All people who currently access the support provided by North Devon Link Service will be offered an assessment or review to identify how their needs can be met by an alternative service, whilst continuing to receive virtual support.
- The interim period of the two services running in tandem will identify options and provide clarity about what investment is needed in the Community and Voluntary Sector to ensure alternative services are available.
- This proposal will develop in line with the Community Mental Health framework which will help local systems address inequalities in mental health care. It will also strengthen relationships with local community groups and the Voluntary and Community sector.
Please have a look at the full consultation document.
How can I have my say?
You were able to contribute by telling us your views on the proposal or giving alternative suggestions by:
- Online – You can submit your views via an online questionnaire which is now closed.
Thank you for taking the time to take part in the North Devon Link Service Public Consultation. Your views will be considered and help to inform the final decision.