Morchard Bishop C of E (VA) Primary School: Proposal to lower age range
Update: Morchard Bishop C of E Primary School, following consultation, has changed its age range from 4-11 to 2-11 years of age. This took effect from October 1st 2021.
It is proposed by the Governors of Morchard Bishop CE (VA) Primary School to lower the age range of Morchard Bishop CE (VA) Primary School from 4-11 years to 2-11 years of age with effect from October 1st, 2021.
Morchard Bishop CE (VA) Governing Board took over the running of the village Pre-School in April 2016, 18 months after the Pre-School moved onto the school site. This proposal is concerned with the Pre-School becoming part of the school rather than operating as an extended service run by the Governing Body. Schools that extend the age range are usually described as having a ‘Nursery class’ rather than a Pre-School.
The consultation ends on 2nd July 2021. If any stakeholders have any views or comments they can be sent to:- with the subject header of: Consultation – Change of Age Range.
Further information is available in the Consultation Document, available under ‘Consultation method’ below.