Marpool Primary School, Exmouth: Resource Base consultation
UPDATE – April 2022
Following completion of the statutory process and consultation, DCC’s Cabinet has approved the proposal to formally establish a Resource Base at Marpool Primary School, Exmouth for children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs (SEMH) for 6-8 learners. This took effect from 27 April 2022.
In Devon, the most common type of primary need is SEMH. A pilot was set up at Marpool Primary to help meet the demand for this type of provision in the area. The pilot has been successful and DCC’s Cabinet support this proposal.
Following a successful pilot, the Governing Body of Marpool Primary School is proposing to formally establish the Resource Base, within the existing provision/space, for children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs for 6-8 learners from 25 April 2022.
In Devon, the most common type of primary need is Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH). Children and young people with SEMH needs can struggle to engage with learning and cope in a classroom without additional strategies and interventions. A Resource Base can support children to overcome their barriers to learning, to be resilient and to be better able to cope and be re-integrated into a mainstream setting in which they can achieve their potential.
There is insufficient provision for enhanced resource base provision in Devon. A pilot was set up at Marpool Primary to help meet the demand for this type of provision in the area. The pilot has been successful and the school would like to now formally establish the provision. The 0-25 SEN team at Devon County Council are supportive of this proposal. To formally establish the Resource Base will require a statutory process to be followed, which allows for a six week consultation period, followed by a formal representation period. The final decision will be made by Devon County Council’s Cabinet.
The school is currently building a new classroom space for the Resource Base which may enable capacity for more learners in the future. Not all of the necessary capital investment has been secured for this emerging project and the proposed new physical space for the Resource Base is not part of this statutory process.
If the decision is made to proceed further with these proposals, then the timetable for the remainder of the process (assuming agreement to each stage) is likely to be:
▪ Brief Notice issued & four-week response period – March 2022
▪ Devon County Council makes decision – April 2022
▪ Implementation – April 2022
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