Land south of Little Bickington Lane, High Bickington – proposed residential development
What we are consulting on
This consultation is primarily for the residents of High Bickington, North Devon.
Devon County Council and a neighbouring landowner are currently proposing a residential development of approximately 40 dwellings on land to the south of Little Bickington Lane, High Bickington, as shown edged in red on the following aerial photo.
As shown, the development of approximately 4 acres (1.6 hectares) would extend to Quarries Lane to the south and the B3217/North Road to the east and the Community Centre and playing fields to the west.
This proposed development is adjacent to an existing modern residential estate in High Bickington and would be accessible via Little Bickington Lane thereby avoiding any increased traffic into the village centre.
We are interested in obtaining the views of local residents regarding our proposals for the site.
What is being proposed
As shown below, the proposal is to develop the land with approximately 40 dwellings, no more than two storeys, comprising a mixture of two, three and four-bed semi-detached properties and four-bed detached properties across the site. The development will provide 30% affordable housing in accordance with the North Devon and Torridge Local Plan (equating to 12 social housing and shared equity properties).
Please note this plan represents only an indicative layout of the scheme and the detailed planning submission may vary.
The proposed development seeks to retain boundary hedgerow as well as provide additional planting throughout the scheme and would improve access to, and increase the number of, allotments within the village as well as provide accessible routes to enjoy open space and enable residents to access and support existing services and facilities.
The development is likely to aid increased numbers at the local pre-school provision and whilst the local school has sufficient capacity, we would anticipate developer contributions towards education, open space, and transport.
The vision for this development
- Delivery of new homes in a sustainable location, where future residents can have access to services and facilities in the village and nearby towns.
- Offer a provision of open market and affordable housing to meet local needs.
- Facilitate development that integrates with the landscape and responds positively to the character and appearance of the area.
- Provide biodiversity enhancements through new tree planting and the retention of the hedgerows wherever possible.
- Promote safe and enhanced pedestrian connectivity to the surrounding area.
Have your say
As a local resident, we would value knowing what you feel is most important for your community. Please let us have your comments by 4 June 2023 by completing our short online survey.
What happens next
The results of this consultation will be shared with Torridge District Council and published on our website.
Results from the consultation
Here are the results from the consultation.