HIV Advocacy and Support Consultation
The Health and Social Care Act 2012 gives each local authority a statutory duty to take such steps, as it considers appropriate, to improve the health of the people in its area. These steps can include giving information and advice, providing services or programmes to promote healthy living and reduce health inequalities. In order to fulfil their Public Health statutory duty all local authorities in England received a ring-fenced Public Health Grant.
The Comprehensive Spending Review in 2015 announced a five year annual reduction to the Public Health Grant received by local authorities of 3.9%. This cut follows a significant in year cut in 2014/15 when all local authorities were expected to contribute to the national £200millions in year savings.
Public health programmes are targeted at people and communities in greatest need to minimise an impact on health inequalities. The scope of the current service provision generally extends to those residents in Devon and Torbay who are either HIV positive or directly affected by HIV e.g. in a group that is more at risk of acquiring HIV infection.
This consultation is to inform the decision on potential future HIV services in Torbay and Devon. The scope is limited to the public health offer which will support people who have a diagnosis of HIV in terms of advocacy and support.
Have your say
Before completing the questionnaire, please read the background papers below:
Please let us know your views by completing the online questionnaire.
If you would like further information please get in touch using the contact details below:
If you or someone you know needs more information or a different format phone 0845 155 1015, email, textphone 0845 155 1020