Engagement – North Devon Link Services (stakeholders)
The engagement phase has now closed. Thank you for all your many comments and contributions, they will be taken forward to inform the next phase of this process.
An engagement is being held on proposed changes to the North Devon Link Service, for stakeholders and people who have an interest in the service.
Two reviews have taken place on the North Devon Link Service since 2019, the latest review being about the impact of COVID-19 on the service, the buildings-based element of which has been closed since the beginning of the pandemic.
Information and learning from these reviews have led us to the following proposal which we want to explore with you.
Redesign the North Devon Link Service from a buildings-based service to a service that works with people in their community, to address their needs and enable them to live as independently as possible.
Invest in the local Community and Voluntary Sector to offer services for people who do not need this level of support.
Feedback has now closed.
All feedback is important and will be considered as part of the decision-making process.
Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions.
If you would like to contact us you can do so by emailing