Cycle contraflow lane on West Street (Exeter city centre)
Devon County Council are planning to construct a cycle contraflow lane on West Street in Exeter city centre.
The proposals form part of a number of cycle infrastructure improvements linking Exeter Quay to the city centre.
Exeter’s riverside cycle routes with the Quay as their centre point are heavily used (more than 2,000 users per day this summer) however, connectivity between the Quay and the city centre by bicycle is lacking.
Improving cycle links into the city centre will not only provide low carbon travel options, it will also promote physical activity and facilitate more trade into the city centre.
Overview scheme plan indicating advisory contraflow cycle lane on south side of West Street
The proposals for West Street are to provide 1.5m wide advisory contraflow cycle lane from the bottom of West Street (at Western Way) to the junction with Fore Street. The remaining carriageway width will be narrow in places, but with appropriate signage, and given the low traffic volume, and good visibility on a straight section of road, this is felt to be acceptable in this location.
At the top end of West Street, an area will be provided to segregate the cyclists from inbound traffic. The section of single yellow line at the top of West Street will be retained.
At the lower end of West street, dropped kerbs will be provided to improve the link onto the Western Way at the existing pedestrian and cyclists crossing point, and also at the shared path by the motorcycle parking.
Subject to approval at the County Council’s Highway and Traffic Order Committee in March 2021, it is anticipated that construction will commence during spring/summer 2021. It is anticipated that the majority of work will be carried out at night.
Have your say
This is a modest scheme to address an immediate connectivity issue.
If you would like to provide feedback on the West Street proposals, please email or post your response to Transport Planning Team, Matford Offices, County Hall, Topsham Rd, Exeter, Devon, EX2 4QD.
If you require information in a different format, please email or write to the above address.
All submissions must be received no later than Monday 8 March 2021.
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