Bittadon – Definitive Map Review Consultation (Part 2)
The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 requires the County Council to keep the Definitive Map of Public Rights of Way under continuous review and to make modifications where it appears that routes should be added, regraded, amended or deleted. A review of the Definitive Map was started in Bittadon parish with a public meeting in May 2010.
A consultation is currently taking place on the investigation of one proposal for changing the Definitive Map in the parish; three previous proposals having gone out for consultation in 2011.
For more information please see the attached consultation map and schedule.
Maps showing existing recorded public rights of way and details of the proposal are also available for inspection by appointment with the Clerk to the Parish Meeting; at the North Devon Council, Lynton House, Commercial Road, Barnstaple; and at the Public Rights of Way Service, Lucombe House, County Hall, Exeter.
If anyone has further evidence for or against the proposal, or any additional suggestions for other alterations or additions to the Definitive Map for Bittadon parish, please write to us by 30 November 2017.
Phone: 01392 383000