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Bassetts Farm Primary School Consultation on Change of Age Range

Update 28 April 2023: This consultation has now closed. Following consultation, the Governing Board of Bassetts Farm Primary School met on 25 April 2023 and approved the proposal to lower the age range from 4-11 to 2-11 from September 2023.

Background Information:

The current Pre-School operates on the school premises and is run separately. It has indicated that it will be difficult to run in its current capacity.

The Pre-School is situated within the school grounds and runs in a school owned building. It is open to 2 – 4 year olds during term time only between the hours of 9am and 3pm. We do not plan to change the existing operating hours or the age of the children in the provision and when they can start.  Some extended hours will be available in Breakfast Club and After School Club.

The proposal is concerned with the Pre-School becoming part of the school rather than operating as a separate entity. This allows for greater flexibility with staffing and resourcing because of the finances of the school and pre-school will be merged together. This will ensure stability of the Early Years provision in the long term. It will enable the pre-school aged children access to a greater environment as giving the children access to the school grounds: Field space, Forest school, Early years’ garden. It will enable a smoother transition and education journey for the children.

We will have space for up to 8 two year old children and up to 26 three and four year olds. (Maximum daily capacity 34) Children who turn four years old, will be able to stay with the Nursery setting until the September of the next academic year. Parents can then choose to transition them into our reception class. Bassetts Farm School will fully support parents with their application process to secure a place with our reception class and with the transition process. The School’s planned admission number into reception classes will still be 60 places in the reception class. Parents and children should experience very little change to the service they receive; there will be no break in service for children that are attending the Pre-School because of this change.

If the proposal is approved by the Governing Body following this consultation, the Pre-School will become a Nursery Class. Children in the Pre-School will be registered on the school’s roll.

Parents will still need to make a separate application to Devon County Council for a place in the reception classes and the school will support and assist parents and children with this transition.

As a nursery class there must be a qualified teacher and a level 3 qualified early years worker leading the learning for three and four year olds. Each day, the nursery will be staffed by a Qualified teacher and up to 4 other members of staff (in line with the requirements of the statutory Early Years Foundation Stage)

The Main Benefits of this proposal:

  • Guarantee of teacher led provision supported by a highly qualified staff.
  • A single budget providing flexibility and improved sustainability into the future- Including one administrative and accounting system.
  • Free School meals for eligible Nursery Children.

No capital funding will be required to implement this proposal. It will not affect the capacity of the school and does not put pressure on existing classroom spaces.

The proposed indicative timetable as follows:

  • 6-week consultation process:
  • Governing Body meeting: The governing body will meet to consider the consultation responses and whether to implement this proposal on Tuesday 25th April 2023. The school will respond to and answer any parent questions and post standard answers to any questions raised on the school website. If it is agreed that the proposal will be implemented, then the proposed implementation would take effect as of September 1st 2023.

This consultation has now closed.


Results published
