Awliscombe – Definitive Map Review Informal Consultation
The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 requires the County Council to keep the Definitive Map of Public Rights of Way under continuous review and to make modifications where it appears that routes should be added, regraded, amended or deleted. A review of the Definitive Map was started in Awliscombe parish with a public meeting in May 2015.
A consultation is taking place now on the investigation of proposals for changing the Definitive Map in respect of one route in the parish, from an application made for adding an unrecorded route on Ivedon Lane as a Byway Open to All Traffic (BOAT).
For more information please see the attached consultation map and schedule.
Maps showing existing recorded public rights of way and details of the proposal are also available for inspection with the Clerk of the Parish Council, by arrangement and also at County Hall at the address below during office hours (Mon–Fri, 9.00 a.m.–4.30 p.m.)
If anyone has further evidence for or against the proposal in connection with the route concerned, or any additional suggestions for other alterations or additions to the Definitive Map for Awliscombe parish, please contact us by 2 June 2016.
Phone: 01392 383000