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Alphington Village public realm enhancements


A public consultation is being held on potential public realm enhancements along Church Road and Chudleigh Road in Alphington.

With planned development in South West Exeter likely to increase travel demand through Alphington, a set of improvements to reduce vehicle speeds, improve the public realm and provide better facilities for pedestrians and cyclists is being considered.

We would like to hear your views on these proposals. Please read the information below and then submit your views through the online survey. Alternative methods for providing feedback are detailed below.

consultation area overview map along Church road and Chudleigh


Initial design work, for enhancements in Alphington, was carried out in 2014 (see Appendix A below). The aims of this were to improve the public realm in Alphington, supporting walking and cycling and discouraging through traffic.

Funding to deliver a scheme has now been secured and as time has passed since the initial plan, the designs are being revisited to ensure that the scheme remains suitable for the needs of the Alphington community.

The aims of the scheme remain the same. Due to the available funding and road space, the proposals aim to reduce vehicle speeds and improve crossing provisions so that walking and cycling is safer and more attractive to more people.

Based on an initial review of the previous design, three key areas of interest have been proposed in which work could be focused. These are:

  • Alphin Brook roundabout
  • the area around St Michaels and All Angels Church triangle
  • Chudleigh Road – church triangle to double mini roundabout

As funding may not cover all the work identified, we are looking to gauge preference for the different elements and what is most important to the local community. This could include aspects of the initial design being removed or swapped to allow for other proposals to come forward. We want to know your views on the proposals and invite your feedback to help inform the design to be implemented.

The proposal options for each key area of interest are set out below.

Alphin Brook roundabout

Option 1 – existing provision remains

No changes to the current provision would be made. Existing informal crossing points are located on each of the four arms of the roundabout.

Alphin Brook Roundabout option 1 - full description can be found in content next to this map

Option 2 – install zebra crossing

A two-stage zebra crossing would be provided south of the roundabout on Church Road. It would provide a safe crossing whilst also acting as a traffic calming measure for vehicles entering Alphington from Marsh Barton. The crossing could be widened to provide a parallel crossing which also allows cyclists to cross.

Alphin Brook roundabout - option 2 install zebra crossing full description can be found in content next to this map

Option 3 – install zebra crossing plus narrowing of Brookfield Gardens

A two-stage zebra crossing would be provided south of the roundabout on Church Road. It would provide a safe crossing whilst also acting as a traffic calming measure for vehicles entering Alphington from Marsh Barton. The crossing could be widened to provide a parallel crossing which also allows cyclists to cross. In addition, the junction of Brookfield Gardens with Church Road would be narrowed. This would reduce the distance for pedestrians to cross Brookfield Gardens, improving safety and onward route towards Mill Lane, whilst still maintaining vehicle access.

Alphin Brook Roundabout - option 3 full description can be found in content next to this map

Area around St Michaels and All Angels Church triangle

Option 1 – existing provision remains

No changes to the current provision would be made. The existing zebra crossings would remain, providing a safe crossing for pedestrians. The existing parking provision in front of the church would also remain.

Area around St Michaels and All Angels Church Triangle Option 1 full description can be found in content next to this map

Option 2 – widen zebra crossings

The existing zebra crossings would be widened, to allow cyclists to cross as well as continuing to provide a safe crossing for pedestrians and acting as a traffic calming measure by slowing traffic. Footpath widening is also proposed. The existing parking provision in front of the church would remain.

Church Triangle - Option 2 full description can be found in content next to this map

Option 3 – remove the left turn arm of the triangle and widen zebra crossings

The existing green space would be extended into the one-way section, removing parking and vehicle access from this section, improving the public realm. The zebra crossings would be widened to allow cyclists to cross as well as continuing to provide a safe crossing for pedestrians and acting as a traffic calming measure. Footpath widening is also proposed. Vehicles will still be permitted to turn left at the main junction at Dawlish Road and Church Road.

Church Triangle - Option 3 full description can be found in content next to this map

Chudleigh Road – church triangle to double mini roundabout

Option 1 – existing provision remains

No changes to the current provision would be made. There is an existing crossing point next to the church which would remain.

Chudleigh Road - Option 1 full description can be found in content next to this map

Option 2 – install carriageway narrowing

The existing carriageway would be narrowed, close to the church. This would act as a traffic calming measure, requiring northbound vehicles to give way to on-coming traffic.

Chudleigh Road - Option 2 full description can be found in content next to this map

Option 3 – install zebra crossing plus path widening

A zebra crossing would be provided to the north of the double mini roundabout, with some widening of the path on the western side. This would provide a safe crossing for pedestrians and act as a traffic calming measure by slowing traffic.

Chudleigh Road - Option 3 full description can be found in content next to this map

Share your views

Please let us have your comments by Monday 31 January 2022 by completing our online survey.

Alternatively, to request a paper copy of the consultation leaflet and/or the survey email us at or write to us at SW Exeter, Room 120, County Hall, Topsham Road, Exeter, EX2 4QD.

What will happen next?

Once all of your comments have been reviewed, a consultation report will be prepared and published on our South West Exeter website.

Based on your feedback we will be able to develop the proposal for public realm enhancements in Alphington in more detail to ensure users get maximum benefit.

Appendix A

Option 4 - wide footways on single side

