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Projects and other activities which have made use of Co-production techniques.
Name of project |
Organisation |
Activity |
Date project started |
Outcomes |
Jargon Busters – recruitment to new Learning Disability Video | Devon County Council, members of the friendship group, Devon People First, and Carer. | The group have been working on a new video to try and recruit members to the Learning Disability Partnership Board (LDPB). This film will cover the purpose of the LDPB, reasonable adjustments and support, members stories, and influence of the board. All aspects of the film are Co-produced by the group. | September 2024 | |
Adult Social Care Practice Standards Co-production Work | Devon County Council staff, physical disability, ethnically diverse, older people and learning disabilities . | The UP Quality Standards Co-production Action Group co-produced top tips for annual review process for Adult Social Care website. | August 2024 | Outcomes to be added relevant webpages. |
Co-produced Case Studies for Community Services Review | Devon County Council Adult Social Care staff, Care Providers, ethnically diverse community, people with disabilities, Headway Devon and CEDA. | The Community Service Co-production Group co-produced an engagement process to gather insight from service users via case studies which are available on an online platform for members to use to encourage other useful insight and feedback. | April 2024 | Online platform with several case studies available for the project. |
Adult Social Care Practice Standards Co-production Work | Devon County Council staff, physical disability, ethnically diverse, older people and learning disabilities | The group Co-produced the action statement for the IASC Practice Standards . The group co-produced the practice standards. | March 2024 | Successful launch of IASC Practice Standards. |
Market Position Statement Co-production Workshop | Devon County Council Adult Social Care staff, Care Providers, ethnically diverse community, people with disabilities, Headway Devon and CEDA. | Community Service Co-production Group held a co-production workshop on the refresh of Devon County Council Market Position Statement. | January 2024 | Information fed back to relevant managers. |
Adults with Learning Disabilities: Co-producing a “Jargon Buster” video | Devon County Council Involvement Team, people with learning disabilities, Hikmat Devon and Friendship Group. | The group decided to make a short video that would look at sharing stories and experiences of how people with learning disabilities have and do work in a Co-productive way. | October 2023 | Video completed. Link here to view it. |
Community Services review co-design group | Devon County Council Adult Social Care staff, Care Providers, ethnically diverse community, people with disabilities, Headway Devon and CEDA. | Opportunity to be involved in a co-design/co-production group to help improve our community services. | January 2023 | This group is still running and has providers there, third sector and people who use services. |
Co-design Adult Social Care self-assessment review form | Devon County Council Commissioner, physical disabilities representative , sensory disabilities, ethnically diverse community and older people. | A group to co-design a Adult Social Care self-assessment review form with service users and carer’s. | January 2023 | Review form is currently active online and being used. |
Unleashing Potential Workforce Programme (workforce development) | Devon County Council | Setting up a co-productive 2 groups for the Disabilities Practice Project, focussing on quality standards and to look into what a good review looks like including the creation of a quality standards image. | September 2022 | Active group still running successful co-productive approach. Taking part in several projects. |
North Devon Link Service (mental health centres) | Devon County Council | Awareness session for project team to help them approach co-designing a new offer with service users. | July 2022 | Active |
HSC Commissioning | DCC | To introduce co-production principles to a HSC project | March 2021 | Two projects are running which involved two co-production groups working on Adult Social Care projects. |
Carer Ambassadors | Devon Carers | Co-production awareness session to introduce co – production principles to CA’s across the County | Feb 2021 | Carer Ambassadors are looking at projects where they can use Co-production. |
Co-production for Adoption Peer Mentoring Pilot | Adoption Agency | To run a pilot project working with foster parents | Feb 2021 | Active |
Healthwatch assist | Healthwatch | To introduce the principles of co – production to a Hw project | Feb 2021 | Completed |
Planning for CIG/Co-production Board Oxford | DCC | To work with the Oxford Co-production Board to develop a similar structure for involving people in HSC commissioning | June 2020 | Active |
Dementia Pathway booklet | DCC | To introduce the principles of Co – design into the recommissioning of the Dementia pathway booklet | Dec 2019 | Used and available for carers and people with dementia. |
My Care and Support Plan | DCC | To Co-design an ER version of My Care and Support online assessment forms | May 2018 | Easy Read version is available online as a result of co-design. |