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Carers Survey

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Every other year Devon County Council participates in a national survey of unpaid carers of adults receiving social care support, asking them same questions alongside the other 150 local authorities with social care responsibility in England.

The Department of Health and Social Care use the survey results to rank every local authority and Devon’s performance.

Carer-reported quality of life rankings from previous years

  • 2023-24 DCC ranked 106th out of 153
  • 2021-22 DCC ranked 94th out of 152
  • 2018-19 DCC ranked 105th out of 152
  • 2016-17 DCC ranked 114th out of 152

2023-2024 Carers Survey Results 

Proportion of carers who reported that they had as much social contact as they would like

23.5% of carers felt they had as much social contact as they would like, DCC ranked 131 out of 153.

Overall satisfaction of carers with social services for the cared-for person

41.3% of carers were satisfied with social services, DCC ranked 47 out of 153.

Proportion of carers who report that they have been included or consulted in discussion about the person they care for

66.7% of carers felt included in consultations and discussion, DCC ranked 76 out of 153.

Proportion of carers who find it easy to find information about services

60.4% of carers found it easy to find information, DCC ranked 65 out of 153.
