Back to Promoting Co-production in Adult Social Care…
We run sessions throughout the year, please check below to see what’s available and how to book on to a course:
Since December 2019 over 231 people have attended our Co-production sessions.
Co-production awareness takes the form of general sessions for staff from DCC and other agencies. We also offer tailor-made awareness sessions for specific groups and projects. Please contact us if you are interested in planning a bespoke Co-production session.
Name Of Course: | Date: | Venue: | Time: | Availability |
Co-production General Awareness Session | 26/11/2024 | Virtual | 10:00am-12:30pm | Spaces available |
Co-production General Awareness Session | 20/08/2024 | Virtual | 1:00-3:30pm | Spaces available |
Bespoke Co-production Awareness Session – Hampshire Council | 20/06/2024 | Virtual | 1:00-3:30pm | Fully booked |
Co-production General Awareness Session | 18/06/2024 | Virtual | 1:00-3:30pm | Spaces available |
Bespoke Co-production Awareness Session Victim Support network ” Community of Practice” | 14/04/2024 | Virtual | 10:00am-12:30pm | Fully booked |
Co-production General Awareness Session | 19/03/2024 | Virtual | 10:00am-12:30pm | Spaces available |
Bespoke Co-production Awareness Session – Carers | 5/03/2024 | Virtual | 10:00am-12:30pm | Fully booked |
Bespoke Co-production Awareness Session – NHS | 23/01/2024 | Virtual | 1:30-3:30pm | Fully booked |
Management Information Team – Co-production Workshop | 21/11/2023 | Virtual | 2:00-3:00pm | Fully booked |
General Co-production Awareness | 31/10/2023 | Virtual | 1.30-3:30pm | Fully booked |
Bespoke POP Group Co-production Awareness | 19/09/2023 | Virtual | 10:00am-12:30pm | Fully booked |
Bespoke Proud to Care Co-production awareness | 17/05/2023 | Virtual | 10am-12:30pm | Fully booked |
Bespoke Public Health Co-production Awareness | 24/04/2023 | Virtual | 10:00am-12:30pm | Fully booked |
General Co-production Awareness | 27/03/2023 | Virtual | 10:00am-12:30pm | Spaces available |
General Co-production Awareness | 10/10/2022 | Virtual | 10.30am- 12.45pm | Spaces available |
Unleashing Potential Project Co-production session | 19/09/2022 | Virtual | 1:30pm-3:45pm | Fully booked |
Unleashing Potential Project Co-production session | 12/09/2022 | Virtual | 1:30pm-3:45pm | Fully booked |
DCC Operational Disability Team Co-production session | 18/07/2022 | Virtual | 10:30am-12:30pm | Fully booked |
North Devon Link Service Co-production session | 22/06/2022 | Virtual | 10.30am-12.30pm | Fully booked |
General Co-production Awareness | 18/02/2022 | Virtual | 10:30am-12:30pm | Fully booked |
General Co-production Awareness | 28/02/2022 | Virtual | 9:45am-12.45mp | Fully booked |
General Co-production Awareness | 24/01/2022 | Virtual | 9:45am-12.45pm | Fully booked |
General Co-production Awareness | 16/07/2021 | Virtual | 9:45am-12.45pm | Fully booked |
Adoption Agency Co-production Awareness Session | 28/05/2021 | Virtual | 9:45am-12.45pm | Fully booked |
General Co-production Awareness | 20/05/2021 | Virtual | 9:45am-12.45pm | Fully booked |
General Co-production Awareness | 29/04/2021 | Virtual | 9:45am-12:45pm | Fully booked |
Healthwatch Devon Co-production Awareness session | 19/04/2021 | Virtual | 9:45am-12.45pm | Fully booked |
Carer Ambassadors Co-production Awareness session | 19/03/2021 | Virtual | 9:45am-12:45pm | Fully booked |
General Co-production Awareness | 21/02/2021 | Virtual | 9:45am-12:30pm | Fully booked |
General Co-production Awareness | 17/12/2020 | Virtual | 9:45am-12:30pm | Fully booked |
General Co-production Awareness | 08/10/2020 | Virtual | 9:45am-12:30pm | Fully booked |
Commissioning Involvement Group Co-production Awareness | 28/01/2020 | Community Centre Exeter Wonford | 9:45am- 12:30pm | Fully booked |
DCC Commissioning Co-production Awareness | 05/12/2019 | Community Centre Exeter Wonford | 9:45am-12:30pm | Fully booked |
How to book on to a course:
Please contact us on this email address to find out how to book on to a course: