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Council finance

Planning, Transportation and Environment charges

Fee codeExplanation of serviceCurrent charge 2020/21 – All charges are subject to standard VAT unless noted belowNotes
1Traffic and Road Safety data
1.1Accident/traffic statistics
(a)Accident statistics – Members of the public

(i) First request (collision count only presented as a plot)

(ii) Minimum charge for additional requests:

(iii) Extensive first requests (ie those that require incident description)

(iv) Addition of ‘officer opinion’/contributory factor data to the report
Free or charge



Report fee plus £51

(b)Accident statistics – All commercial requests (including but not exclusive to consultants and solicitors)

(i) Minimum charge for all requests (including plot and incident description)

(ii) Addition of ‘officer opinion’/contributory factor data to any one request


Report fee plus £51
(c)Traffic data – Members of the public

(i) First request

(ii) Minimum charge for additional requests

(iii)Extensive first requests (ie those that require supplementary research)

Free of charge


(d)Traffic data – all commercial requests (including but not exclusive to consultants and developers)

Automatic traffic counter speed or volume data:

(i) First report (minimum charge)

(ii) For each additional report for same location (excluding minimum charge)

Manual traffic count data:
(iii) For sites with up to 3 arms

(iv) For sites with 4 arms

(v) Complex sites/junctions





Individual quotation
(e)Traffic data – small business [Hotels etc] Minimum charge for each request£70
(f)Emergency services, local authorities and students [or people requesting data for planning appeal when a planning application has been turned down on traffic or accident grounds].Free of charge
1.3Traffic forecasts
(a)Emergency services, local authorities, studentsNil
(b)All other enquiriesStaff time rate + 15%
2Section 38 agreements
2.1All section 38 agreements are charged on the same basis6% of the estimated cost of the highway works
2.2Where works are major or exceed £1m then special fees may be required for technical approvals, inspection and approval of works etcEach individual case is subject to negotiation
3Section 106 and 278 agreements



Cost of preparing the agreement, technical approvals and the inspection of works

Inspection and approval of works

4.5% of the bond value of works

2.5% of the bond value of works
3.2Where works are major or exceed £1m then special fees may be required for technical approvals, inspection and approval of works etcEach individual case is subject to negotiation
3.3In addition to 11.1(a) and (b) the following work will be recharged at cost:

(i)Traffic signal design and installation

(ii) Preparation and advertisement of traffic orders

Any extraordinary analyses of highways, structure, bridges, or
(iii) traffic commuted maintenance payments may be required for traffic signals, structures and landscaping

At cost

At cost

At cost

4Planning applications
4.1Historic environmental planning advisory service
(a)Pre-application advice

(i) Type 1

(ii) Type 2

(iii) Type 3

(iv) Type 4

(v) Type 5

(vi) Priority turn around – additional charge

(vii) Additional site visits





cost by negotiation

£48 per hour

Type 1 – Type 5
same as 19/20, will review charges next year

rate based on standard rate calculation – bottom of H grade
(b)Post-determination advice

(i) Type 1

(ii) Type 2

(iii) Type 3

(iv) Type 4

(v) Type 5

(vi) Priority turn around – additional charge

(vii) Additional site visits





cost by negotiation

£48 per hour

Type 1-4
same as 19/20, will review charges next year

Rate based on standard rate calculation – bottom of H grade
(c)Historing Building Appraisal and Recording

(i) Pre-application

(ii) Monitoring works/report assessment

(iii) Priority turn around – additional charge

(iv) Additional site visits




£48 per hour
same as 19/20, will review charges next year (i) – (iii)

Rate based on standard rate calculation – bottom of H grade
Consultations and developments that are not subject to these charges are householder planning applications, academic research, enquiries from the general public, including amenity societies, Neighbourhood Plan groups, enquiries from Local Planning Authorities and Parish Councils.
Description of types of consultations and development to which these charges apply:

Type 1 (Minor) Developments consisting of single residential/small commercial or agricultural units. Developments consisting of between 2-9 residential units, or commercial/agricultural.

Type 2 (Minor) unit(s) covering an area of up to 0.5ha and small scale wind turbin developments of less than 3 turbines in total.

Type 3 (Small Major) Developments consisting of between 10-49 residential units, and other developments 0.5 -2hain size.

Type 4 (Medium Major) Developments consisting of between 50-199 residential units, and other developments 2 – 4ha in size.

Type 5 (Large Major) Developments consisting of over 200+ residential units or, and other developments over 4ha in size.
4.2Request for statement of common ground for planning appealsGeneral minimum of £1,000 figure to be negotiated on case by case basis
Development management pre application charges request for whether planning permission is required£50
(b)Minor applications£500
(c)Major applications£1,000
Get help with an application
4.4Land drainage consent application fee

View the land drainage consent here
£50no change, in accordance with legislation, so cant’t be changed
4.5Ecology pre-application and monitoring advice service

Commenting on a draft ecology report to ensure that all ecology issues have been dealt with effectively prior to the application being submitted. We strongly advise that developers buy into this service as it will avoid any potential costly delays when the application is submitted.

Attending a site visit to provide more detailed advice.

Advice on specific issues e.g. protected sites or species (including survey requirements / Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) related issues) .

Site monitoring visits.

Total charge will depend on the complexity of the ecological issues and will be discussed and agreed with each developer individually.
£48 per hourRate based on standard rate calculation – bottom of H grade
4.6Flood Risk Management pre-application advice service initial enquiry
(a)Initial review of a specific site to provide outline information/advice on sustainable surface water drainage requirements and any flood risk issues, relating to surface water, ordinary watercourses or groundwater, to be taken into consideration.

(i) Type 1 and 2

(ii) Type 3

(iii) Type 4

(iv) Type 5




(b)Detailed review of specific site proposals (office)

(i) Type 1 and 2

(ii) Type 3

(iii) Type 4

(iv) Type 5




(c)Detailed review of specific site proposals (on site)

(i) Type 1 and 2

(ii) Type 3

(iii) Type 4

(iv) Type 5




(d)Involvement in strategic master planning£48 per hourRate based on standard rate calculation – bottom of H grade
(e)Additional correspondence or meetings£48 per hourRate based on standard rate calculation – bottom of H grade
All charges are subject to standard VAT unless noted below
4.7Landscape pre-application advice service
(a)Accompanied site visit/meeting (optional) simple desk-based advice.

Completed checklist/ pro-forma identifying relevant policy, evidence/data, published guidance and strategies; whether proposal potentially conflicts with these; what information is likely to be required, and advice on need for specialist consultant involvement.
£48 per hourRate base don standard rate calculation – bottom of H grade
(b)Full advice – Report including completed checklist as above and highlighting the key landscape and visual issues, recommendations, advice on how the proposals could be improved to achieve better compliance with policy. Includes site visit /meeting £70based on more realistic estimate of hours required for task
(c)Type 1 and 2 and 3 – Minor and small major developments (excluding sites within an AONB)£200based on more realistic estimate of hours required for task
(d)Type 4 and 5 – Medium to large major development and all developments in an AONB£250based on more realistic estimate of hours required for task
4.8Bespoke additional landscape Services
(a)Accompanied/unaccompanied site visit/meeting (optional) bespoke desk based advice on detailed scope of formal or informal landscape£48 per hourRate based on standard rate calculation – bottom of H grade
(b)and visual impact assessment, including comment on proposed viewpoints, radius of study area£140based on more realistic estimate of hours required for task
(c)Desk based review of draft landscape and visual impact assessment against GLVIA3- up to 50 pages£140based on more realistic estimate of hours required for task
(d)Desk-based review of draft landscape and visual impact assessment against GLVIA3-50-100 pages£200based on more realistic estimate of hours required for task
(e)Additional tasks requested and agreed with landscape officer£48 per hourRate based on standard rate calculation – bottom of H grade
5Licensed commercial use of Historic Environment Record data data
(a)Commercial developments of up to 9 residential units, or residential sites or commercial/agricultural unit(s) covering an area of up to 0.5ha and small scale wind turbine developments of less than 3 turbines in total. £60
(b)Commercial developments of 10 or more residential units, or residential sites or commercial/agricultural unit(s) covering an area of more than 0.5ha, wind turbine developments of more than 3 turbines, and linear projects e.g. roads, pipelines, railways, and quarries. £90
6Travel and Transportation – Passes and Permits
6.1Home to School/College – Travel passes
(a)Replacement bus passes£5
6.2National travel scheme passes
(a)Replacement NTS passes£10
6.3Transport permits18/11/19 these are no longer issued externally and charged
(a)Section 19 permits£11
