Training website
Devon Early Years and Childcare Service provide training opportunities at a subsidised cost (and in some cases fully funded) to support the continuing professional development of individuals within the early years and childcare workforce in Devon.
Early years practitioners (and prospective childminders) can use the DEL training website and the Devon Education Services Shop to book onto short courses and eLearning.
We have the following training available: safeguarding training, paediatric first aid training, various eLearning and short courses and networking sessions.
- DEL Digital learning
In order to use the DEL training website you will need to have a DEL account. If you are not sure if you have a DEL user account or if you need to have an account created please contact us. (please include your name, unique email address, job role and setting name for an account to be created). - Devon Education Services Shop
In order to use the Shop you can create your own shop account (see instructions below on setting up an account). You can contact us if you require assistance.
We aim to move all of the early years and childcare training over to the shop in the next coming months. You will still be able to visit DEL to book onto training and any courses that have already been set up on the shop will have a redirect link.
We will be joining our colleagues in the Devon Education Services team in using the shop; they provide training for schools and early years settings so you may have already booked onto training on the shop to access training such as EYFS briefings, Sendco forums, Closing the Word gap etc. It is likely that many of you will probably already have shop accounts. We hope that the move to the shop will provide you with a better experience of accessing training as training will be in once place.
In case you haven’t already got a shop account, please see guidance below on how to create an account.
How to create an account on the shop:
- Visit: the Devon Education Services website: Devon Education Services online shop | DES
- You will need to either log in with your Devon Education Services Shop details or register for an account to enable you to make your booking
- Click on ‘register’ in the top right-hand corner
- Put your email address in the email address box
- Select Devon LA Early Years/Childminder in the ‘user type’ dropdown box (or outside Devon if applicable) (HAF providers select ‘Other Organisation’)
- Click proceed
- Type post code in the “enter your post code or organisation” box – if your address does not appear in the dropdown box, you will need to add your address by selecting ‘my address is not shown’
- Follow the registration process through in order to set up this account for yourself (adding your name, role and create a password for yourself)
Further training information:
- A guide to Safeguarding training
- EYupskill – supported by the Department for Education, is an independent training and development directory for anyone interested in the early years in England. The online directory will help you find the right training course to develop your career in early years.