Community surveys
Asking local people what they think about life in Devon is an essential part of helping us to review what we do and how we plan for the future.
Community surveys are a good way to ask about people’s direct experiences as well as their general perception of community life. The results give a valuable insight into people’s lives and the challenges they face. It also gives a useful indication of the current health of our local communities and the key issues affecting them.
Two community surveys were conducted in 2015/16
Taken together, these surveys give a useful snapshot of quality of life in Devon today, Summary of Key Findings.
The Community Insight Survey, undertaken in late 2015, was open to all but targeted minority and potentially excluded groups including those not online to ask about people’s direct experience of services and aspects of their lives. 1,332 people participated. View 2015 full results.
The #WeAreDevon Community Survey in summer 2016 was an online survey aimed at the general population to ask more broadly about people’s overall perceptions of life in Devon and aspects of community life. 1,321 people participated. View 2016 full results.
When repeated these and similar surveys can help us to track trends and developments so we can see where we have made a difference or when we need to do more.
Information from these surveys plus national and local data has also been used to give a quick and easy view of the strength and resilience of each Devon community. See how resilient your community is