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Guidance on removing a child from school

  • Pupil subject to a school attendance order and designated school has been replaced on the order by another school


    Pupil subject to a School Attendance Order and the designated school has been replaced on the order by another school 8(1)(a).

    Criteria for removal from school roll

    Formal notification received.

    School action

    Notify Education Welfare Legal Proceedings Officer.

    Follow up action by other agencies

    Admissions amend ONE.

  • Notification has been received from parents/carers of new school and address


    Pupil has transferred to an alternative school (other than normal KS2/3 transfer) 8(1)(b).

    Criteria for removal from school roll

    Notification has been received from parents/carers of new school and address.

    School action

    Common Transfer File (CTF) uploaded to s2s using DFE number for new school if known.
    Complete destination field on SIMS, School Leaver’s Form (SL1) and Children missing education referral form (CME1) if appropriate and forward to ONE Data Team.

    NB: All schools should notify the CME team where there are any safeguarding concerns so cases can be prioritised. Contact details on CME1 form

  • Not attending your school but attending elsewhere


    Not attending your school but attending elsewhere 8(1)(c)

    Criteria for removal from school roll

    Another school agrees that the child should be removed from your school’s register.

    School action

    Common Transfer File (CTF) uploaded to s2s. Complete destination field on SIMS and School Leaver’s Form (SL1) and forward to ONE Data Team.

  • Pupil has been withdrawn from the roll by parent/carers and will be Electively Home Educated (EHE)


    Pupil has been withdrawn from the roll by parent/carers and will be Electively Home Educated (EHE) 8(1)(d).

    Criteria for removal from school roll

    Parents/carers have formally notified school in writing (email acceptable) of their intention to educate their child at home.

    School action

    Common Transfer File (CTF) uploaded to s2s.

    Complete destination field on SIMS,  School Leaver’s Form (SL1) and EHE Safeguarding Pupil form.

    Follow up action by other agencies

    Pupil recorded as EHE and EHE process followed. If the EHE team has any concerns about the welfare of the child/children, refer to MASH or SW.

  • Pupil has moved and is no longer living a reasonable distance from the school, but new school placement unknown


    Pupil is known to have moved and no longer residing within a reasonable distance from the school, but new school placement unknown. (Does not apply to boarding pupils) 8(1)(e).

    Criteria for removal from school roll

    Notification of move from parents/carers. No information about new school placement has been received.

    School action

    School has made all reasonable enquiries to ascertain the family’s new address and school details.
    School should endeavour to establish that the pupil is on roll of the new school.

    In cases where there are safeguarding concerns, school should consult MASH and / or the Police.
    Common Transfer File (CTF) uploaded to s2s. Complete destination field on SIMS, School Leaver’s Form (SL1) and Children missing education referral form (CME1) if appropriate and forward to ONE Data Team.

    NB: All schools should notify the CME team where there are any safeguarding concerns so cases can be prioritised. Contact details on CME1 form.

    Follow up action by other agencies

    Pupil recorded as Child Missing from Education. Admissions Team will track pupil into new provision if they had made the placement offer or pass details on to CME team.

  • Pupil has moved out of the UK


    Pupil has moved out of the UK.

    Criteria for removal from school roll

    Notification of move from parents/carers.

    School action

    School has made all reasonable enquiries to ascertain the family’s new address and school details. School should endeavour to establish that the pupil is on roll of the new school.

    In cases where there are safeguarding concerns, school should consult MASH and/or the Police.
    Common Transfer File (CTF) uploaded to s2s. Complete destination field on SIMS, School Leaver’s Form (SL1) and Children missing education referral form (CME1) if appropriate and forward to ONE Data Team.

    NB: All schools should notify the CME team where there are any safeguarding concerns so cases can be prioritised. Contact details on CME1 form.

    Follow up action by other agencies

    Pupil recorded as CME and referred to CME team.

  • Pupil has failed to return from previously authorised extended leave


    Pupil has failed to return from previously authorised extended leave 8(1)(f).

    Criteria for removal from school roll

    Pupil was granted extended leave of absence and has failed to return with the agreed time (in excess of 10 days). No reasonable explanation has been received.

    School action

    School has made all reasonable enquiries to ascertain pupil’s whereabouts and there are no other grounds preventing attendance such as illness.

    Complete destination field on SIMS, School Leaver’s Form (SL1) form and Children missing education referral form (CME1) if appropriate and forward to ONE Data Team.

    NB: All schools should notify the CME team where there are any safeguarding concerns so cases can be prioritised. Contact details on CME1 form.

    Follow up action by other agencies

    Pupil recorded as CME and referred to CME EWO. If the EWO has any concerns about the welfare of the child/children, then refer to MASH or SW

  • Pupil is medically unfit for school and will remain so until after their official school leaving date


    Pupil is medically unfit for school and will remain so until after their official school leaving date 8(1)(g).

    Criteria for removal from school roll

    School has received formal notification of diagnosis from an appropriate medical source. Alternative education provision identified.

    School action

    Pupil remains on school roll and is dual registered if receiving alternative education provision.

    Follow up action by other agencies

    If removed from roll, Children missing education referral form (CME1) to be completed and forwarded to ONE team.

  • Pupil has been absent from school for 20 continuous days or more. Pupil’s whereabouts is unknown


    Pupil has been absent from school for 20 continuous days or more. Pupil’s whereabouts is unknown 8(1)(h).

    Criteria for removal from school roll

    School has informed Local Authority after 10 continuous days of unauthorised absence.

    School action

    School has made all reasonable enquiries to ascertain pupil’s whereabouts and there are no other grounds preventing attendance, such as illness.

    Common Transfer File (CTF) uploaded to s2s. Complete destination field on SIMS, School Leaver’s Form (SL1) and Children missing education referral form (CME1) and forward to ONE Data Team.

    NB: All schools should notify the CME team where there are any safeguarding concerns so cases can be prioritised. Contact details on CME1 form.

    Follow up action by other agencies

    Pupil recorded as CME and referred to CME EWO. If CME EWO has concerns about the welfare of the child/children, then MASH enquiry/referral to Social Care should be made.

  • Pupil has been given a custodial sentence greater than four months


    Pupil has been given a custodial sentence greater than four months 8(1)(i).

    Criteria for removal from school roll

    Formal notification received from Youth Offending Team.

    School action

    Head teacher decides whether to keep pupil on roll following consultation with other agencies. Decision to remove from roll. School Leaver’s Form (SL1) to be completed. CTF uploaded to s2s. (Less than four months pupil either remains on roll or school conducts a risk assessment).

    Follow up action by other agencies

    Details noted on ONE with Youth Offending Team (YOT). No further action until YOT notified of planned release date. If pupil is still on school roll, arrangements made for re-integration. If not on school roll, admissions to identify new placement. If YOT have any concerns about the welfare of the child/children, refer to MASH or Children’s Social Care.

  • Pupil has died


    Pupil has died 8 (1) (j).

    Criteria for removal from school roll

    Formal notification received.

    School action

    Complete destination field on SIMS and School Leaver’s Form (SL1) and forward to ONE Data Team.

  • Child no longer of statutory school age


    Child no longer of statutory school age 8 (1) (k).

    Criteria for removal from school roll

    Either child or parent has indicated the child will no longer attend the school or the child has not met the academic entry requirements for the school’s sixth form.

    School action

    Notify CSW Group (formerly known as Careers South West) as this child is at risk of becoming NEET.

    Follow up action by other agencies

    Careers South West to investigate further.

  • The child has ceased to be a pupil at an independent school


    The child has ceased to be a pupil at an independent school 8(1) (l).

    Criteria for removal from school roll

    Not meeting the requirements of the setting e.g. non-payment of fees.

    School action

    Complete School Leaver’s Form (SL1) and Children missing education referral form (CME1) and forward to ONE Data Team.

    NB: All schools should notify the CME team where there are any safeguarding concerns so cases can be prioritised. Contact details on CME1 form.

    Follow up action by other agencies

    If CME EWO has concerns about the welfare of the child/children, then MASH enquiry/referral to Children’s Social Care should be made.

  • Pupil has been permanently excluded


    Pupil has been permanently excluded 8 (1) (m).

    Criteria for removal from school roll

    Exclusion has been approved by governors and time period for appeal has expired or independent appeal not upheld.

    School action

    CTF uploaded to s2s using DFE number where known (usually Pupil Referral Unit).
    Schools Company Academy (SCA) to complete Children missing education referral form (CME1) if place not taken up.

    NB: All schools should notify the CME team where there are any safeguarding concerns so cases can be prioritised. Contact details on CME1 form.

    Follow up action by other agencies

    Inclusion Officers (IO) work to ensure interim education whilst a permanent placement is identified.
    If IO has any concerns about the welfare of the child/children, refer to MASH or Children’s Social Care.

  • A nursery child who has not transferred to a Reception or higher class in the school


    A nursery child who has not transferred to a Reception or higher class in the school 8(1)(n).

    Criteria for removal from school roll

    Notification from parents or School Admissions team of alternative provision or no information about new school placement has been received.

    School action

    Common Transfer File (CTF) uploaded to s2s using DFE number for new school if known.
    Complete destination field on SIMS, School Leaver’s Form (SL1) and Children missing education referral form (CME1) if appropriate and forward to ONE Data Team.

    NB: All schools should notify the CME team where there are any safeguarding concerns so cases can be prioritised. Contact details on CME1 form.

    Follow up action by other agencies

    Admissions Team will track to ensure child has started at new school if they have made the original offer or pass details on to CME Team. If Admission Officer or CME EWO has any concerns about the welfare of the child/children, then MASH enquiry/referral to Children’s Social Care should be made.

  • State-funded boarding schools where fees are unpaid


    State-funded boarding schools where fees are unpaid 8(1)(o).

    Criteria for removal from school roll

    If fees remain unpaid at the end of the school term for which they are due.

    School action

    Common Transfer File (CTF) uploaded to s2s using DFE number for new school if known.
    Complete destination field on SIMS, School Leaver’s Form (SL1) and Children missing education referral form (CME1) if appropriate. Forward to ONE Data Team.

    NB: All schools should notify the CME team where there are any safeguarding concerns so cases can be prioritised. Contact details on CME1 form.

    Follow up action by other agencies

    Admissions Team will track to ensure child has started at new school if they have made the original offer or pass details on to CME Team.

    If Admission Officer or CME EWO has any concerns about the welfare of the child/children, then MASH enquiry/referral to Children’s Social Care should be made.

  • Gypsy, Roma, Traveller


    Gypsy, Roma, Traveller.

    Criteria for removal from school roll

    Traveller children of compulsory school age are expected to attend at least 200 sessions a year and the use of code T for more than 180 sessions could indicate that the pupil has failed to meet this requirement. Any concerns around this area should be addressed but may require specialist support from the Ethnic Minority Traveller Achievement Service.

    School action

    Traveller children cannot be deleted from the roll of the school which they normally attend when their parents are travelling.  This school is referred to as the “school of ordinary attendance” or, more commonly, as the “base school” and the pupil must have attended it in the last 18 months.  If two schools meet the definition of the base school, the most recent school to do so is regarded as the “school of ordinary attendance”.

    Traveller children can be deleted from the roll of other schools if they are not currently attending that school.  They cannot be deleted if they are simply absent, for example, due to illness. Any such deletion must be in accordance with the regulations on deleting pupils from the school roll.

    Traveller children who are only registered at one school can be deleted in the same way as other such pupils.  For example, pupils cannot be deleted if the school has authorised the leave of absence for the purposes of travelling.  But if they were an unauthorised absence for 4 weeks and neither the school nor the local authority managed to locate them then they could be deleted.

    Follow up action by other agencies

    If removed from roll School Leaver’s Form (SL1) and Children missing education referral form (CME1) to be completed and forwarded to ONE team.
    If EMTAS Advisory Teacher has any concerns about the welfare of the child/children, refer to MASH or SW.

  • Guest



    School action

    Schools must record the details of every pupil at the school in the admissions register. This includes pupils who are attending the school on a temporary basis. This should be used under exceptional circumstances only. Refer to CME Officer if advice required. Check with base school child has now returned and if not complete Children missing education referral form (CME1).

    Follow up action by other agencies

    If the EWO has any concerns about the welfare of the child/children, then refer to MASH or Children’s Social Care.
